
Mayor Eric Adams: ‘Use Your Platforms – No Place for Hate in NYC’ | | Hana Levi Julian | 26 Sivan 5784 – Monday, July 1, 2024

Photo credit: Courtesy of Ohad Kab

New York City Mayor Eric Adams speaking at the Voices For Truth event in New York City on June 30, 2024.

The Combat Antisemitism Movement (CAM) is currently hosting the world’s largest influencer summit against antisemitism at The Glasshouse in New York City.

The event, “Voices for Truth: Influencers United Against Anti-Semitism,” is organized in partnership with the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and brought together more than 300 social media influencers, celebrities and thought leaders, including Mayor of New York, Eric Adams, Bravo. Host and producer Andy Cohen, social media influencer Montana Tucker and others, to combat rising anti-Semitism and combat misinformation about Israel.

The two-day summit opened Sunday with remarks from Mayor Eric Adams and Andy Cohen, emphasizing the importance of combatting anti-Semitism at all levels of society and Jewish pride. This set the tone for engaging discussions and presentations.

“You are now about to decide which direction we are going to take. Just pick up your device and change the course of history,” said Mayor Adams.

“This is your moment to use your platforms to change the course of events as we experience the world. There is no place for hate in our city or on our planet. We can make a difference,” the mayor said.

“Be proud to be Jewish and don’t hesitate to show it publicly. And sometimes the simplest demonstrations or gestures are the strongest and most effective,” Cohen said.

“Many of you have large social media platforms, and simply by representing Jewish culture with pride to your followers, you will have a deeper impact than you think. »

Following the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7, many Jewish influencers faced increasing levels of hate and lost brand deals for speaking out for Jews and supporting Israel. This summit provided a platform for these voices to unite, share their experiences, and strategize how to effectively use their platforms to combat anti-Semitism.

“We live in a world where lies become truth, truth becomes lies, victims become aggressors and aggressors become victims,” ​​said Israeli Consul General in New York Ofir Akunis.

“But know this: Those who started this war will be defeated. We will no longer be victims of violence. Enough. Enough.”

“This is our chance to make a difference. Defend the Jewish people, our values ​​and the protection of minorities. Sitting idly is no longer an option. Bring back activism and community leadership as a way of life,” said Sacha Roytman, CEO of CAM.

Montana Tucker received the CAM Impactful Activism Award from Natalie Sanandaji, Nova Music Festival massacre survivor and CAM Public Affairs Officer, for her social media activism and video to raise awareness of the loss of life and survivors at the Nova Music Festive on October 7.

“Today, Jews have a voice, we are strong, we are powerful and we are resilient. We are fortunate to have social media to use our platforms to reach people all over the world,” Tucker said. “We have experienced failed brand deals, death threats, but we will continue to fight every day and we will not give up.”

Grammy-nominated artist Matisyahu joined the fireside chat on the modern fight against anti-Semitism, followed by a live musical performance that inspired attendees.

Sanandaji shared his powerful story of survival, drawing attention to the ongoing impact of terrorism and the importance of resilience in the face of hate.

“For me and many others, October 7 represents the loss of freedom and belonging, the loss of security,” she said. “When I heard the news, I was devastated and determined that the world would put a human face behind this tragedy, putting a name and a face to these frightening statistics. »

The first day of the summit ended with a call to action, encouraging participants to continue using their platforms to educate, inspire, and combat anti-Semitism in all its forms.