
Inspired by Taylor Swift, she wants to take the stage – School News Network

Fourth-grader Gabby Farrell and music teacher Diana Hall improvise a piece together on the piano

Caledonia — Gabby Farrell, fourth grader, loves music. She sings, writes songs and learns to play the piano.

Gabby said she draws her musical inspiration from her favorite singer and songwriter, Taylor Swift.

“I’ve loved listening to Taylor Swift since I was little,” she said. “There’s a video of me dancing to Shake It Off in the kitchen. »

We sat at the piano with Gabby and her Emmons Lake Elementary School music teacher, Diana Hall, to hear her play and discuss her dreams of becoming a professional singer.

What is your dream? “I want to be the next Taylor Swift…Instead of singing in the shower, I want to be on stage.

“I want to be the most famous singer in the world, travel all over the world and tour. I would love to do a show in London or Paris, with all the cool monuments there. »

Fourth-grader Gabby Farrell dreams of becoming a famous singer, thanks to encouragement from Emmons Lake music teacher Diana Hall, right

Why is this your dream? “(Taylor Swift) has always inspired me to make music, so I want to inspire people.

“Sometimes it’s hard because Taylor Swift is the only Taylor Swift in the world. There’s a slim chance, but I could still be a singer. There’s maybe a 1% chance that I could do it, but she took that chance and now everyone knows her name.

How do the school and your teachers help you pursue your dream? “My music teacher, Mrs. Hall, encourages me to sing in class and write songs. At the moment I am learning to play the piano, dancing and writing songs, because piano and dancing are closely linked to music. »

Hall spoke enthusiastically about Gabby’s talents: “In music class, she sings with a clear, beautiful voice, she does a great job with our rhythm work, and she plays the recorder… I can’t wait to hear her first album,” the teacher said. “Gabby is the kind of kid who makes a difference in the world around her. … She’s totally capable of doing anything she puts her mind to.”

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