
These ‘quiet appliances’ could be driving up your electricity bills

An energy expert warns that a number of ‘quiet appliances’ could be driving up your energy bills.

Energy experts at Grant Store have identified four appliances that could drive up bills, but there are a few simple steps that can be taken to reduce costs, RSVP Live reports.

“Given the rising cost of living, simple actions like turning off lights and using eco modes on appliances are great places to start. For further savings, turning off ‘vampire devices’ when not in use can potentially save households between €71 and €83,” they said.

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They added: “While some smart devices offer energy-saving features, others, such as smart speakers and devices with standby power, can increase electricity consumption. It’s important for consumers to know the difference between smart technologies that save energy and those that increase standby power costs. »

Decoders and recorders

“STBs and recorders left in standby mode can collectively add around €27 per device per year to electricity bills. Using eco modes outside of office hours can help reduce standby power consumption and associated costs. »


“TVs left in standby mode can contribute significantly to standby energy consumption, costing households around £28 per TV per year. Switching off TVs when not in use can lead to substantial energy savings.”