
Nigeria urged to consider general strike

According to reports, the CDWR is calling on the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and the Trade Union Congress (TUC) to stage a 48-hour general strike and mass demonstration to demand a minimum wage of at least N200,000 and the reversal of all anti-poor policies.

Chinedu Bosah, CDWR National Publicity Secretary, stressed the need for immediate decisive action due to the impasse in minimum wage negotiations between worker representatives and the government/private sector.

The group highlighted the recent success of mass protests in Kenya, which led to the withdrawal of a controversial policy, as an inspiration for Nigerians to force the government to reverse these policies, which would give most Nigerians immediate respite.

“The massive, mostly youth-led protests have just forced the Ruto-led government in Kenya to reverse the IMF and World Bank-inspired tax hike policy. This example shows that it is also possible for Nigerian workers and youth to force the Tinubu-led government to reverse the price of petroleum products, electricity tariffs, hike in public school fees and all other neoliberal capitalist policies, policies that would give immediate respite to most Nigerians.

The CDWR also advocated for the minimum wage to be automatically adjusted for inflation and rising costs of living, to prevent wages from falling below the poverty line.

“Immediate demands should include the requirement that the minimum wage be automatically adjusted according to the rate of inflation and increases in the cost of living; the minimum wage does not need to wait four or five years before being adjusted. »

The CDWR recognized that it was difficult to persuade the capitalist elite to accept these demands and implement them, but stressed the importance of a serious struggle to secure these vital concessions.