
Made in Heaven’s Shashank Arora takes dig at ‘pretend artists’; reveals being offered fake project 10 years ago by a producer

Shashank Arora, famous for his role as Kabir in Made In Heaven, rose to prominence with his innocence and charm. Recently, the actor took to his Instagram stories to make some startling revelations. In the stories, he criticized those who pay for paparazzi appearances, and pretend to be artists, and also shared an anecdote about a producer and his child pitching him a fake project.

Shashank Arora on not paying paparazzi for photos

Taking to Instagram stories, Arora took a dig at actors paying paparazzi for pictures and expressed a desire to continue not paying photographers at the airport for the next ten years. He wrote, “Here are ten more years of non-paying photographers at the airport.”

Picture Courtesy: Shashank Arora/Instagram

Shashank Arora takes a dig at pretend artists

In the next story, Arora remarked that he anticipated ten more years of observing pretend artists competing with those born into the business in a battle of mediocrity, while the true artists would continue to work diligently and quietly. He wrote, “Ten more years of watching pretend artists in a battle of mediocrity with those born into the business, while the real ones keep their heads down and work.”

When Made In Heaven star was pitched a fake project by producer and son

In the next story, he revealed that ten years ago, a producer and his son had set up an entire fake project to disappoint him after he was nominated for an award. He was called into their office and told that he would be nobody if he didn’t gain more followers or promote himself more.


He, without naming anyone, revealed that the same producer who had deceived him was later praised by his favorite actor, Kamal Hassan, who called him his favorite actor. He shared on his Instagram story that ten years later, Kamal Hassan, the producer’s all-time favorite actor, called him his favorite actor and advised that one does not need to sell their soul but should remain true to their art.

Picture Courtesy: Shashank Arora/Instagram

Shashank Arora has made a name for himself with notable roles in films such as Brahman Naman, Titli, and Moothon, as well as the series Made in Heaven.

In addition to his film and series work, he has appeared in short films like Letters, The Listener, and Others. Arora is also recognized for his portrayal of Salman Khan’s younger brother, Chote, in Bharat movie.

ALSO READ: EXCLUSIVE: Mrunal Thakur was ‘shocked’ after reading Made in Heaven 2’s script, reveals why she said yes