
Urge Congress to Stop Forcing Farmed Animals Into Hot, Crowded Trucks for Days Without Food or Water

0 Signatures Collected


Packed into trucks in extreme weather with no food, no water, and no rest for hundreds of terrifying miles of travel — these are just some of the dangerous conditions many animals face in the US when they are transported from factory farms to slaughterhouses.

New legislation, called tea Humane Transport of Farmed Animals Acthas the potential to alleviate some of this senseless suffering.

If passed, the act would put an end to grueling, long-distance transit for animals who are too weak to stand on their own, are sick, injured, are in the final stages of pregnancy, or who would be in pain if moved. It would also prevent newborn animals from being transported if they are so young that their navel is still unhealed.

Additionally, the act would force both the Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Department of Transportation to establish a system to ensure that these regulations are actually enforced.

The legislation was introduced by Congresswoman Dina Titus of Nevada, out of concern for both animal welfare and human health and safety, according to a press release. Crowding sick animals into hot trucks for long trips without food, water, or rest is not only cruel — it can cause diseases to spread.

No animal should be confined to a dangerously hot truck without food or water for more than a day — especially newborn, sick, or injured animals.

It’s time for the US to implement and enforce basic welfare protections to protect vulnerable animals from unnecessary suffering.

Sign the petition urging Congress to pass the Humane Transport of Farmed Animals Act into law and save countless animals from being forced to travel in outrageously cruel conditions.

baby dairy cow looking at camera with ear tags and red bars confining the cow