
Wear white to send a message to the Supreme Court on July 4th. A nationwide whiteout!

So the conservatives on the Supreme Court think they’ve found a way to “share the baby” with today’s decision on presidential immunity. A kind of compromise that allows them to command public deference because they’re supposed to always be the one branch of government that’s above petty political wrangling. They’re content to interpret the Constitution objectively. They never get into the muddy political trenches with the other two branches of government. That may be the case with today’s decision. I’m not a lawyer. But when it comes to maintaining deference to this Supreme Court, there’s one thing I know for sure: The timing of this decision deserves just as much, if not more, public outrage.
It is clear that Roberts has delayed this decision for the benefit of one political party and one man. I expect ideological differences in Supreme Court decisions, but the slow pace of this decision is so blatantly partisan that the Roberts Court no longer deserves any degree of deference from the American people.
We need to educate them. My idea is simple, but we don’t have much time. If you’re going to public events on the Fourth of July, don’t wear the usual red, white, and blue. Just white. White is always patriotic and can also send a message that we’re concerned about the direction this Supreme Court is taking our democracy.
Spread the word on other social media. Spread the word. This is a peaceful statement that shows we care and this Supreme Court has lost our respect. Let’s see a sea of ​​white across this country on July 4th. Take pictures and share!