
Dr. Hessabi’s paternal home ready to welcome visitors

TEHRAN – In tribute to the late Dr. Mahmoud Hessabi, the revered father of physics in Iran, his paternal home and surrounding park have been restored, combining celebration of the late scientist’s legacy with preservation of Tehran’s historical heritage.

“The renovation aimed to address structural issues, restore and improve various parts of Dr. Hessabi’s house,” said the mayor of Tehran’s 12th district, adding that the effort was made to improve visual appeal, preserve national heritage and maintain historical sites.
Stressing the importance of increasing green spaces and making them accessible to citizens, Vahid-Reza Anarki-Mohammadi said that the renovation of the 1,200-square-meter Hessabi Park was carried out as part of the city’s ongoing efforts to improve and prepare the capital’s parks for public use.

The park’s inner mansion, which currently functions as a plant clinic, he explained, could have historic structures underneath, as indicated by civil and historical experts.
“Excavations to uncover these potential structures are also planned,” Anaraki-Mohammadi said.

Although Dr. Hessabi’s house and museum are located in northern Tehran, in the Tajrish neighborhood, the famous scientist was born in 1903 in a central Tehran neighborhood, Sangelaj.
Dr. Hessabi’s family home and birthplace now stands in a park named after him.
The Qajar-era house is over 120 years old, it used to be quite large, but today only a small part of about 200 square meters remains. A central hall and two rooms on each side are the only remaining parts of Dr. Hessabi’s birthplace.

In the 1980s, Dr. Hessabi visited this house and wished it to become an academy of ancient sciences. Today, the Tehran Municipality has transformed it into a small cultural center.

Dr. Mahmoud Hessabi, the father of modern physics in Iran, winner of the Scientist of the Year Award and the only Iranian student of Albert Einstein, who was also appointed as Einstein’s successor at Princeton University, is considered one of the most prominent figures in Iranian and world history.

Dr. Hessabi’s paternal home ready to welcome visitors

TEHRAN – In tribute to the late Dr. Mahmoud Hessabi, the revered father of physics in Iran, his paternal home and surrounding park have been restored, combining celebration of the late scientist’s legacy with preservation of Tehran’s historical heritage.

“The renovation aimed to address structural issues, restore and improve various parts of Dr. Hessabi’s house,” said the mayor of Tehran’s 12th district, adding that the effort was made to improve visual appeal, preserve national heritage and maintain historical sites.
Stressing the importance of increasing green spaces and making them accessible to citizens, Vahid-Reza Anarki-Mohammadi said that the renovation of the 1,200-square-meter Hessabi Park was carried out as part of the city’s ongoing efforts to improve and prepare the capital’s parks for public use.

The park’s inner mansion, which currently functions as a plant clinic, he explained, could have historic structures underneath, as indicated by civil and historical experts.
“Excavations to uncover these potential structures are also planned,” Anaraki-Mohammadi said.

Although Dr. Hessabi’s house and museum are located in northern Tehran, in the Tajrish neighborhood, the famous scientist was born in 1903 in a central Tehran neighborhood, Sangelaj.
Dr. Hessabi’s family home and birthplace now stands in a park named after him.
The Qajar-era house is over 120 years old, it used to be quite large, but today only a small part of about 200 square meters remains. A central hall and two rooms on each side are the only remaining parts of Dr. Hessabi’s birthplace.

In the 1980s, Dr. Hessabi visited this house and wished it to become an academy of ancient sciences. Today, the Tehran Municipality has transformed it into a small cultural center.

Dr. Mahmoud Hessabi, the father of modern physics in Iran, winner of the Scientist of the Year Award and the only Iranian student of Albert Einstein, who was also appointed as Einstein’s successor at Princeton University, is considered one of the most prominent figures in Iranian and world history.