
A call for change and compassion

The government’s deafening silence and inaction in the face of escalating crime and the suffering of victims and their families is a grave injustice that cannot be ignored. The failure to address these pressing issues not only perpetuates the cycle of violence, but also shows a complete disregard for the lives and well-being of those affected.

The Honourable Premier Missick is seeking re-election, but his failure to address the pressing issues of crime and gun violence, and his continued silence and indifference to victims and their families, has left many feeling abandoned and ignored.

This past weekend, we witnessed four murders in 24 hours. In a time of crisis and despair, neither the Prime Minister nor any member of his cabinet has commented on these incidents. The resilience and courage of the families who are suffering must be met with empathy, proactivity and justice. Only by acknowledging their pain and taking decisive action can we begin to heal the scars of violence and restore hope to our communities.

Suffering families deserve better than empty promises and empty words. They deserve a government that stands with them, listens to their calls for justice, and takes concrete action to address the root causes of crime and violence.

As Malcolm X once said, “justice delayed is justice denied.” The continued neglect of victims and their families constitutes a denial of their fundamental rights to safety and justice. This indifference only deepens the wounds of those affected and undermines trust in our government to uphold the values ​​of justice and compassion.

The deafening silence on gun violence, a scourge that continues to claim lives and tear apart families, has become a symbol of Premier Missick’s indifference and neglect for the safety and well-being of our communities. In the words of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent on the things that matter.” This government has remained silent on important issues facing the people of this country for far too long.

The PDM platform focuses on concrete actions to address the root causes of crime, support victims and their families, and create a safer and fairer society for all.

My party and I are committed to tackling the root causes of crime and violence and providing the support that those affected need. We are determined to stand firm in the face of injustice and refuse to be swayed by those who seek to silence us.

I, Edwin A. Astwood, propose a vision of leadership that is grounded in empathy, accountability, and a sincere commitment to solving the pressing problems facing our community. I am prepared to be a voice for the voiceless and an advocate for those who have been overlooked and forgotten, and to demonstrate through action that I am committed to being an advocate for those who have been overlooked and forgotten.

The families suffering in our communities deserve a leader who will not hide and remain silent in the face of danger, but who will prioritize their safety and well-being above all else, and who will work tirelessly to ensure their voices are heard.

Let us stand united in solidarity and hope as we work towards a better future for all.

“You can choose to look the other way, but you can never say you didn’t know.” – William Wilberforce.

Let us not turn a blind eye to the suffering and injustice in our beautiful Turks and Caicos Islands. Let us choose compassion, action and change.

The future of our country depends on the choices you make today.