
Republican House Speaker Shocked We’ll Ever Have ‘Criminally Insane’ President

In case you were worried about the Supreme Court’s decision blank check to commit presidential crimes, have no fear! Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives Mike Johnson, chief facilitator President Trump’s spokesman is here to reassure Americans that there is nothing to worry about, because – get this – we would never have a president “prone to this kind of crazy criminal activity.”

Yeah, he said that.

Johnson had a good laugh at the misplaced concerns of non-MAGA Americans during a Interview with Fox News with Kayleigh McEnanyDonald Trump’s former spokesman on Monday.

“There’s all sorts of exaggerations tonight, and these fantasies, these hypotheses that they’ve invented,” Johnson said. “Future presidents are going to turn into assassins, and all the rest of it. It’s madness.”

Hmmm. Where did the idea come from that a president could turn into a murderer? Oh yes. From Trump’s lawyer, John Sauer, who told an appeals court During oral arguments in January, it was argued that a president should be able to order SEAL Team Six to assassinate a political rival without fear of prosecution. Perhaps that’s where the madness comes from.

But even though the Supreme Court says it’s okay to assassinate your enemies as long as you did it while you were president, Johnson isn’t worried.

“The president and vice president are the only two positions in our constitutional system that are elected by the entire people,” he said. “No person elected to that position will be inclined to engage in this kind of senseless criminal activity.”

Not to dwell on the facts, but we did to have elected to the presidency someone who is subject to criminal activity: Donald J. Trump. And he was recently found guilty of 34 crimes.

Maybe this doesn’t qualify as “delusional criminal activity” in Johnson’s eyes, but it certainly is criminal!

Trump also faces dozens of other charges in two federal cases, plus a case in Georgia. And if the Supreme Court seems to want to make all of this go away, it’s because it thinks that having been president is a get-out-of-jail-free card when you TO DO commit crimes.

For Johnson, however, our entire democracy depends on former presidents being able to retroactively receive this get-out-of-jail-free card.

“The president must be able to make tough decisions every moment, every day, without fear that crooked prosecutors will come after him at some point,” he said. “The president cannot act with a sword of Damocles hanging over his head. And that is exactly what the court decided today.”

It’s funny how no president before Trump has felt shackled by the invisible sword that was supposed to hang over his head. But suddenly, for the first time in our country’s history, a president will simply not be able to do his job without the absolute freedom to commit crimes. You would think that the oath a president takes—to “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States”—would be in direct contradiction to the necessity of criminal activity.

But no. Trump has repeatedly said insisted A president must be allowed to commit crimes, and the Speaker of the House, second in line to the presidency, agrees. And so, tragically for our country, the Supreme Court.

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