
Steve Bannon’s daughter says her father’s imprisonment won’t ‘silence’ him

Maureen Bannon, Steve Bannon’s daughter, said Tuesday that her father’s presence in prison will not silence him and that his voice will grow louder.

“War Room is not going to be silenced,” she said on the television show “Just the News, No Noise.” “They think if they put him in jail, War Room is going to disappear and no one is going to hear his voice.”

“That’s really not true,” she added. “His voice is going to get louder.”

Bannon, a former White House strategist, reported to federal prison on Monday.

He is expected to serve four months in prison for ignoring subpoenas from the House Select Committee on January 6.

“He may not be behind the microphone every day for the next four months, but we will have some exceptional guests who will get the message across,” Maureen said.

Bannon has called himself a “political prisoner” and said he was “proud to go to prison” to serve his sentence if that’s what it takes to stand up to Democratic leaders.