
A Message to So-Called Sane Republicans/Former Republicans

Over the last eight years, a number of prominent members of the Republican Party have declared that the current party is a threat to democracy. Some of them have even left the party to become independents or, in a few cases, Democrats. People like Reed Galen, Rick Wilson, Mona Charron, Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Steve Schmidt, Charlie Sykes, Tara Stetmeyer, Olivia Troye, Miles Taylor, Michael Steele, Senator Mitt Romney, Joe Scarborough, etc. Even members of the Trump criminal organization, I mean the administration, have said they will not vote for Trump. What almost none of these people have done, with the exception of Tim Miller, Stuart Stevens, and perhaps Nicholle Wallace and David Jolly, is apologize or acknowledge that they helped create this threat to democracy.

They have spent decades courting America’s fascist elements to take power by any means possible. Since Nixon, the Republican Party has used corporate money, racism, an unelected Supreme Court, and on a few occasions, treason to steal elections and deny the American people a fair voice in their government. After winning those elections, the Republican Party then stole Supreme Court seats and used the filibuster to lock in their power. They have also done little in the way of legislation, other than giving massive tax cuts to the wealthy, deregulating almost everything to allow corporations to cheat ordinary Americans by suppressing wages, shipping jobs overseas, littering our environment, and even causing illness and injury to people. (I could add many more here, like lying to us to get us into a war that has killed hundreds of thousands of people, including thousands of American soldiers.) Even when Democrats are able to overcome the obstacles that prevent them from becoming an elected majority, Republicans use their corrupt fascist Supreme Court and the House filibuster to prevent Democrats from governing to improve people’s lives.

Yes, some of these Republicans are working hard to prevent Republicans from winning, but as anyone who has been to AA knows, you can’t begin to fix yourself until you acknowledge your problem and step 9 is to make amends.

I hope this is not our last day of independence, a democracy and a republic.

If anyone has evidence that other Republicans or former Republicans, particularly those I have cited, have apologized or acknowledged their role in creating this threat to American democracy, I will gladly update the log.

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