
Stop asking me for restaurant recommendations

Listen… I love food.

I love to cook it.

I love to eat it.

I love talking about it.

And I love writing about it.

Inevitably, when you talk or write enough about a topic, people assume you are one of two things:

  1. Full of shit.
  2. An expert.

For the poor bastards who believe the latter… That I’m some kind of culinary expert… Another inevitable event occurs: they ask me where they should eat. And while I usually have no objection to responding to requests for restaurant recommendations, there have been a few times when my recommendations have been thrown back in my face.

“Dude, this is way too expensive for my budget.”

Or “It sounds great, but my wife doesn’t eat fish.”

Or “Are you kidding me?!?… I’m not willing to drive 30 minutes for a meal!… Do you have anything closer to my hotel?”

There are simply too many variables to consider when telling a stranger where to eat. Variables I don’t know and/or don’t want to know.

So if you’re too cheap for the steakhouse I recommend, keep it to yourself. If your wife only likes meat to swallow, I don’t care. (but congratulations). And if your desire for a good meal diminishes as the distance from your crappy hotel increases, then get yourself a Kit Kat in the hall and eat it on your cum stained bed.

That being said, I would still like to share some dishes that I find interesting. And as I mentioned above, I thought blogging about them would be the best solution, so I used to write food reviews in a series called “I want you in me”.

The first one I wrote perfectly summed up what I wanted to do…

And you can read the rest by searching for “I’m in the know” in the SEARCH BAR above.

The ultimate goal of all these blogs was to get them sponsored… Something you rarely see in written content… And it didn’t happen.

So I changed course.

I decided to launch a small series on social networks called You have to try this.

In this series, I’m going to walk around New York City eating foods that I know are good, and then YOU can decide if the dishes fit your budget, the acceptable distance to travel, or your bitchy wife’s finicky palate.

There is a great kid who works for Bar stool named Ian Becker who helps me edit them, otherwise they would look like they were filmed with a potato, and I drop them Tick ​​Tock first, with Instagram And Twitter get some shine within a week of the initial fall.

Here is the first one we filmed…


And here is one of the last…

Ian and I will continue to post one a week until we are fired or I die, and I will post links via the blog whenever it makes sense.

Take a report.
