
Nashville woman arrested carrying thousands of dollars worth of drugs packaged and disguised as Taco Bell burritos

Nashville woman arrested carrying thousands of dollars worth of drugs packaged and disguised as Taco Bell burritos

The story goes like this: A 37-year-old Nashville woman, wanted in three counties for various bad girl activities, was pulled over in Tennessee for driving with a suspended license. After searching the car, police discovered she had just picked up a large order from Taco Bell. I don’t have the exact details of how the story went, but I’m guessing the police didn’t want the burritos to go to waste, since the lady was probably going to jail, so they decided to treat themselves to some large double beef and cheese burritos. And after unwrapping the foil and the thinly-wrapped Taco Bell tortillas, these weren’t 5-ply beef burritos at all. They were a considerable amount of meth, LSD, THC, and fentanyl-laced candy, pills, and marijuana…

Holy shit! This is no small drug deal. But also, what the hell is this operation? This story raises so many questions, which we’ll get to in a second. But the first thing that comes to mind is what my great-great-grandfather taught my great-grandfather, who taught my grandfather, who taught my father, who taught me: Never commit a crime by committing a crime.

Why the hell would you be carrying all those drugs when you have a suspended license? Folks, if I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a hundred thousand times, only break one law at a time. One crime at a time, if you will. The idea that this lady would take all the time in the world to go to Taco Bell, buy those tortillas and wraps (did she work there?), thinly wrap the drugs inside the tortillas to look like burritos, stuff them into Taco Bell bags, then transport them… only to get arrested and have a suspended license is honestly the craziest thing I’ve ever read. She should go to prison for over 25 years, not for the drugs but for being stupid.

And that brings me to my next question: why hide the drugs? I never really understood that part of the drug trade. I mean, I understand that you’re running for the border (maybe that’s why she used Taco Bell) and getting searched, but I think a normal driver with a current driver’s license could literally carry a duffel bag from one place to another in this country in a car if they wanted to. It seems like whoever needed to transport these drugs could have had any 40 year old mother in her minivan who simply obeys the rules of the road transport them from one place to another instead of this woman who literally had a permanent arrow on the top of her car saying I’m breaking the law.

Ok, last question, and this one is just to gain personal knowledge, but isn’t one of these drugs a little more deadly than the others? Correct me if I’m wrong in the comments section, but isn’t fentanyl what kills people? Why would you have fentanyl candy? Take your meth and LSD if you want, but what’s the point of mixing candy with something that I thought was BAD NEWS.