
Massachusetts Liberals Remain Mysteriously Silent on Whether Biden Should Step Down

Massachusetts Liberals Remain Mysteriously Silent on Whether Biden Should Step Down

Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Edward Markey toe the party line. (Nancy Lane/Boston Herald)

Leading Massachusetts liberals like Elizabeth Warren and Ed Markey, who have plenty to say about Donald Trump, have been mysteriously silent on whether an embattled President Joe Biden should stay in the race.

Senators Warren and Markey are absent from the debate over Biden that is engulfing the party, showing no resolve as they watch the Democratic presidential campaign spiral out of control.

Other Democrats, such as House Leader Katherine Clark, also disappeared, leaving others to comment on Biden’s diminishing mental faculties.

Gov. Maura Healey, after days of public silence, finally issued a noncommittal statement saying Biden needed to “carefully evaluate” whether he was the best hope to beat Trump — but she stopped short of calling on him to drop out of the race.

Healey was reportedly much more forceful in private, telling her fellow governors that Biden’s campaign had been “irreparably” damaged in the debate, implying that he could no longer win. But she won’t say the same thing in public. She doesn’t exactly have the courage to be courageous.

Healey was one of Biden’s key supporters during the campaign and now appears wary of adding to the president’s serious political problems.

Warren and Markey’s silence is particularly notable given that other Democratic lawmakers like Massachusetts Rep. Seth Moulton have called on Biden to step down.

Moulton is the only one with enough guts to publicly distance himself from Biden and acknowledge what 80% of Americans now believe: that Biden lacks the mental and physical stamina to take on the former Republican president.

But other Massachusetts lawmakers have not gone that far.

“(Biden) needs to consult with his elected colleagues and conduct public opinion research to determine if he is the strongest candidate to defeat Donald Trump in November, which is the unifying imperative for the Democratic Party,” U.S. Rep. Jake Auchincloss said in an interview with GBH News.

Check the polls? Really? The polls already clearly show that the Biden campaign is collapsing.

Biden, meanwhile, continues to dig his heels in and refuses to give up, telling a rally in Wisconsin: “Here’s my answer: I’m running and I’m going to win again.”

Biden obviously couldn’t end his speech without making a gaffe, declaring: “I will beat Donald Trump. I will beat him again in 2020.”

But reading a rally speech off a teleprompter is not the same as winning a debate or holding a press conference and making sense.

With big donors already abandoning him, Biden needs to do something drastic to save his campaign and sitting down with a Democratic sycophant like George Stephanopolous won’t do it.