
Microstrategy’s Michael Saylor Shares Cryptic Message About Bitcoin (BTC) in Germany

Microstrategy’s Michael Saylor Shares Cryptic Message About Bitcoin (BTC) in Germany

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Michael Saylor left a cryptic message, most likely addressed to the German government, as his selling operations are putting enormous pressure on the market, virtually destroying the momentum of Bitcoin and other assets. The translated message reads: “Everyone gets Bitcoin at the price they deserve.”

Recent operations of the German government Bitcoin wallet are relevant to the context of the post. The German government wallet receives bitcoins for the first two consecutive days at the end of business hours. According to some analysts, this is a buyback following a sale.

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In reality, these unsold bitcoins were returned to the German government’s control wallet. This may seem unusual, but such a large institution may not have enough trust in exchanges and prefer self-custody. In total, 3,073 BTC were added to the wallet yesterday, bringing the Germans’ temporary balance to 27,461 BTC, or about $1.57 billion.

The German government is planning to conduct another bitcoin sale today. The price of bitcoin and the mood of the market as a whole have both been significantly affected by this massive selling pressure. One interpretation of Saylor’s message would be a commentary on the state of the market and how the actions of this institution are affecting it. It is also possible that Saylor is mocking the decision to sell such a large amount of bitcoins on the market in such a brutal manner.

Bitcoin is struggling to maintain its momentum due to the German government’s sell-offs. This activity highlights the power that institutions and major holders have over the cryptocurrency market, which often results in volatility and wild price swings. Temporary price drops caused by large-scale sell-offs can entice some people to buy while instilling fear in others.

About the Author

Arman Shirinyan