
Knudsen announces resignation from MHUSD board | Morgan Hill Times

Knudsen announces resignation from MHUSD board | Morgan Hill Times

Terri Eves Knudsen announced July 2 that she is resigning from the Morgan Hill Unified School District board of trustees, nearly two years into her four-year term.

Knudsen said she is resigning for health reasons and because of her plans to move outside of MHUSD boundaries. Her final MHUSD board meeting will be Aug. 13.

Terri Eves Knudsen

Knudsen was elected in November 2022 to represent Zone 3 on the board. Her current term ends in December 2026.

Although Knudsen wrote in her resignation letter to the county superintendent that she intended to resign in time for her replacement to be chosen by voters in the Nov. 5 election, her announcement did not give the district or elections officials enough time to plan a special election for Trustee Area 3 this year.

Under California Education Code, a special election for a vacant school board seat must be held at least 130 days after the vacancy is announced, attorney Harold Freiman told the MHUSD board at a special meeting July 9. Knudsen’s July 2 announcement came 126 days before the Nov. 5 election, just outside the minimum time required by state law.

The board of directors decided at its July 9 meeting, on the motion of Trustee John Horner, to appoint an interim replacement for Knudsen. The board voted 5-2 to support the motion, with Knudsen and Trustee Pamela Gardiner voting against.

The July 9 meeting was scheduled solely to discuss and consider the board’s options for replacing Knudsen.

The council could still have chosen to hold a special election for the remainder of Knudsen’s term, which was the preference of several members of the public who spoke on July 9. However, Freiman said the earliest a special election could be held would be March 2025.

Most trustees balked at the potential cost of a special election, which could be in the range of $500,000 to $2 million, according to district staff who have discussed the issue with county elections officials.

Knudsen said she would prefer to determine a more accurate estimate of the cost of a special election before deciding between a nomination or a special election for her seat.

Trustee Ivan Rosales Montes added that he was concerned that keeping a vacant seat on the seven-member board from August to March could impact the board’s ability to conduct business.

With the board deciding to move forward with an interim replacement, the district will soon release details of the timeline for that process. Horner and other trustees stressed that the district should move quickly to give candidates ample time to respond.

Horner suggested that interested candidates could apply for the Zone 3 trustee position by Aug. 20. He also suggested that the board hold a meeting on Aug. 27 for trustees to interview candidates publicly, which is also a required step in the process.

Candidates must meet specific eligibility requirements to serve on the board, the primary one being that they reside within the boundaries of MHUSD Trust Area 3.

Once the board appoints a new trustee from the nominees, that trustee will temporarily fill the seat for 30 days. Within 30 days of the appointment, voters in Trust Area 3 have the right to petition for a special election, Freiman explained. If that petition is successful, the board’s appointment will be rescinded and a special election (in March 2025) for the seat will be held instead.

If no viable petition is filed, the new trustee will be reappointed until the end of Knudsen’s term. Whether the new trustee is appointed or chosen by the voters, he or she will have to be re-elected in the November 2026 general election.

Before voting on their options at the July 9 meeting, the council heard from members of the public who wished to provide their input.

Anahita Yazdi, a parent of a Paradise Valley Elementary School student, said the board’s appointment of a new trustee “would undermine our voices and the foundations of our democratic system” and that a special election is the best way to ensure transparency and fairness in the process.

Jim Levis, president of the Morgan Hill Federation of Teachers, also asked the board to hold a special election to replace Knudsen.

“The additional cost is more than justified for the population,” said Mr. Lévis.

Knudsen said she was resigning because of health issues that led her to move in search of more affordable housing. Her family recently found a home outside the Morgan Hill area, closer to her children and grandchildren.

She said that during her tenure on the board, she worked to bring the district’s budget deficit under control and improve the board’s evaluation process for the superintendent.

“In both areas we still have a long way to go,” Knudsen said.

Prior to her election to the board, Knudsen was involved with MHUSD as a parent, volunteer and employee. This experience includes volunteering and fundraising for school and family clubs, approving plans and budgets for site councils and serving as the instructional librarian for Britton Middle School as well as Live Oak and Sobrato high schools.

In her July 2 resignation letter to Santa Clara County Schools Superintendent Dr. Mary Ann Dewan, Knudsen wrote, “I have greatly enjoyed my time on the school board and am grateful for the learning opportunities I have had. I am honored to have represented my district and worked to provide support to improve our education system for all of our students, families and district staff.”