
Pune police propose immediate cancellation of driving licence for drunk driving

Pune police propose immediate cancellation of driving licence for drunk driving

Despite the penalties and fines in place, authorities have noted that the number of accidents involving drunk drivers remains consistently high. In light of these alarming statistics and tragic incidents, the Pune Police has intensified its response. The proposal to impose immediate cancellation of driving licences is intended to act as a strong deterrent, underlining the severity with which the law intends to deal with this issue.

Currently, the penalty for a first drunk driving offence in Pune is a hefty fine of Rs 10,000, with possible imprisonment in more serious cases. However, the proposed measure aims to strengthen accountability by directly affecting the driving privileges of offenders.

Aware of the public outcry and growing concerns about road safety, the police have forwarded their proposal to the court, anticipating a decisive response to authorize this strict measure. This measure is part of a broader effort to ensure that reckless driving behaviors, particularly those exacerbated by alcohol consumption, are punished quickly and unequivocally.

As Pune awaits the court’s decision on the matter, residents and authorities are hopeful that the proposed measure will mark a significant step towards protecting lives on the city’s roads. The outcome of the initiative is eagerly awaited as stakeholders await clarity on its potential implementation and impact on road safety norms in Pune.