
Wearable art inspired by nature’s revival

Wearable art inspired by nature’s revival

Spring, with its gentle breezes and vibrant flowers, has long inspired artists and poets. This season of renewal and awakening finds exquisite expression in Jhoomer’s latest collection, aptly titled Poetry of Spring. Indulge caught up with Anjali Kharkia Rach, Jhoomer’s Creative Director, to delve into the inspiration and artistry behind these captivating pieces.

“The idea for this collection came to us in March,” says Anjali, “at a time when the world seems to be waking up from its slumber. The cold air gives way to warmth and nature bursts into an explosion of colours. It’s an energy that is completely contagious and, as artists, we couldn’t help but channel it into something truly special.”


The collection is a testament to this artistic transposition. “We were very inspired by the visual change that is happening around us,” she explains. “The vibrant colours, the delicate flowers, the birdsong: these elements found their way into each piece.”

The collection is adorned with recurring motifs that evoke the essence of spring. Delicate lotus flowers, crafted in pink enamel and precious stones set in gold frames, symbolize purity and renewal. Pearls, sparkling like drops of morning dew, adorn necklaces and pendants, adding a touch of freshness. A particularly charming motif is that of emerald-encrusted birds, whose shapes recall the soft chirping that fills the spring air.


Floral motifs and decorative gemstones play a central role in the collection’s aesthetic. “We carefully recreated the delicate beauty of spring flowers in our designs,” she explains. “Intricate details mimic natural shapes and silhouettes, making each piece feel like a miniature garden.” Decorative gemstones add pops of color, with pink hues reminiscent of cherry blossoms and emeralds symbolizing the season’s verdant foliage. These elements come together in perfect harmony, creating a visual symphony that captures the very spirit of spring.

The Poésie du Printemps collection offers every woman a touch of spring magic. Each creation is a testament to the brand’s artistry and dedication to translating the beauty of nature into wearable works of art. So, adorn yourself with the elegance of spring and let your jewelry bloom with the season.

Price starts at Rs 20,000. Available online.

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