
Woman Finds Out Her Boyfriend Is Her Brother

Woman Finds Out Her Boyfriend Is Her Brother

A Connecticut woman was shocked to learn she had been sleeping with her stepbrother without knowing it. Her mother’s fertility doctor had been using her sperm to help his patients conceive children, and she had no idea. Victoria Hill, 39, said she was shocked to learn she had been sleeping with her stepbrother since high school.

At least 23 people claim to have been born because Dr. Burton Caldwell used his sperm without telling their parents. Victoria’s mother, Maralee, was tricked by Caldwell into using sperm from an unnamed medical student.

How did she find out about her brother?

Victoria shared that she discovered her father was not her biological father after taking a DNA test with 23andMe. At a high school reunion 20 years later, she shared her story and her ex-boyfriend realized something similar had happened to him. He took the same DNA test and was shocked by the results.

Victoria received a text from her ex-boyfriend saying, “You’re my sister.” She told the media, “I now look at my whole high school experience very differently. It changes everything.” She added, “I’ll just put it this way: I was intimate with my stepbrother.”

She said she went to elementary school with another sibling and often went to a grocery store run by twins who turned out to be her family. “It traumatized me,” she said. “Now, when I look at pictures of people, I think, If that man could have been my brother or sister, anyone could have been.”

Victoria considered suing the doctor, but was told her case might not be strong because the laws on fertility fraud are unclear. There are no national laws on the issue, and only 13 states offer protection.

Despite the difficulties, Janine Pierson, a social worker and Hill’s half-sister, decided to take action against the retired doctor. Janine thought she was an only child, but only until she took a 23andMe test in 2022.

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