
Meet Reya, Mooresville’s New Canine Mayor

Meet Reya, Mooresville’s New Canine Mayor

Reya is Mooreville’s fourth canine mayor. (Photo: City of Mooresville)

MOORESVILLE, NC (QUEEN CITY NEWS) — Mooresville has a new leader.

On June 30, a group of local teenagers elected Reya, a 12-year-old pit bull, as their fourth canine mayor.

Each year, the Mooresville Youth Council accepts applications for the position of Canine Mayor, allowing residents and townspeople to vote for their choice of mayor. The dog with the most votes is the winner and is then installed for a one-year term.

MYC members work with various city departments to coordinate the process and involve the Canine Mayor in events, activities and more.

“I’ve had the opportunity to meet Reya a few times and she’s a tremendous asset to our city,” said Mayor Chris Carney. “The voters were right and she’s going to do a great job! I look forward to working with her over the next year.”

Mayor Reya has overcome several medical challenges. She has undergone two knee surgeries (known as TPLO), had a dewclaw removed due to a bone infection, and has dealt with skin issues. Reya’s owner, Ashley, says the Dog Mayor competition came at the perfect time for their family.

“We lost Reya’s fur brother, Rufio, in March to bladder cancer,” said Ashley Potts. “We are grateful to the Mooresville Youth Council for this annual tradition. It came at the perfect time for our little family!”

City officials say Reya is passionate about healthy eating, breed awareness and the local Sheldon’s K9s organization. She can often be found walking the streets of downtown Mooresville.

Part of Reya’s duties include attending various events around town, including bands, breweries and barbecues in September.

Reya and her owners encourage people to say hello if they see them.

In 2021, Daisy became Mooresville’s first canine mayor. In 2022, Buttercup was elected canine mayor, followed by Elmer in 2023.