
Texas Man Makes Racist Comments Against Black People While Drunk, Caught On Camera

Texas Man Makes Racist Comments Against Black People While Drunk, Caught On Camera

A Texas man is going viral after he was caught on camera telling people how he really feels about black people while drunk in public.

Identified by TikTok user @savannah as 22-year-old Peter Lovell, the man is believed to have ties to Fort Worth, Texas. Savannah’s video was made in response to an online request for help finding out who the man in the video was.

Texas Man Makes Racist Comments Against Black People While Drunk, Caught On CameraTexas Man Makes Racist Comments Against Black People While Drunk, Caught On Camera
A video shows a drunk man making racist comments in public. (Photo: TikTok/Savannah screenshot)

The video, which is now circulating online, shows the drunken man in broad daylight calling for help.ns, “What did I do wrong?” and repeating “This is America,” repeatedly as another man attempts to escort him out of a restaurant premises.

Interestingly, instead of arresting the man, a police officer calmly tells him to “get in the car and go home” twice, while some of the restaurant’s patrons appear even more frustrated by his behavior.

As the drunken man came around the corner, he declared unprovoked, “I hate black people.” When some of the customers asked him what he had said, the man with him replied, “Nothing, he didn’t say anything.” However, the man’s sentiment was clearly heard and repeated by one of the onlookers.

Since there were no black people in the video, one X user asked, “Were there even any black people around?” before adding, “The hate is that deep? Oh my god.”

“At this point who cares? A lot of people hate us. He just said the silent part out loud. I’d rather know who to avoid and what their mindset is than try to figure it out later,” another added.

According to Savannah’s original response video, the man she says is Peter Lovell was also arrested for public intoxication last year in Nashville under similar circumstances, but he did not face any initial consequences and the case was eventually closed.

“That looks like a white guy,” Savannah said of the issue. Another TikTok user agreed with her writing: “He’s drunk and wasted in public and the police are just like, ‘Hey white guy, you can go home,’ and they’re not jumping on him. They’re not hitting him. They’re not killing him. What’s going on?”

Since the video began circulating, Lovell’s profile has been deleted on Facebook, and Savannah made an update video calling out someone she says is a friend of hers for posing as a fan and sending her a DM defending her.

On X, another user also posted screenshots of the man’s alleged arrest for public intoxication in 2021, claiming he had a “history with alcohol.”

But not everyone was critical of the man. One X user was more empathetic, writing: “So he’s a troubled kid with an addiction… before you try to ruin him, did you ask yourself what made him like this?”

“There’s nothing wrong with having an addiction, but he got screwed with that racist comment,” another user replied.

The Atlanta Black Star has not independently verified all of Savannah’s investigation results, but her video has been viewed more than 1.8 million times.