
Hennen: The media has been caught in a big lie – InForum

Hennen: The media has been caught in a big lie – InForum

Why would anyone trust the corrupt media ever again? President Joe Biden’s cognitive decline has been obvious to anyone watching him. Yet the propagandists in the media have been covering it up. His debate performance was so bad, longtime Biden sycophants had no choice but to clutch their pearls and claim it was so bad that Joe needed to go. Ya don’t say?

They lied to you and even perpetuated bogus accusations of “cheap fakes” showing Biden wandering off not knowing which direction was up. These pages are often filled with opinions pleading with Biden and demonizing former President Trump.

Do you think the columnists, writers, anchors, reporters, editors and all the rest were surprised at what millions of Americans saw during that debate and since? Of course not. They have been murmuring to themselves for years. The guy ran for president from his basement in 2020. Nothing to see here.

It’s all been a big lie. Why? They suffer from Trump derangement syndrome. The great awakening was slammed down like a lightning bolt, and somehow these buffoons decided they had a conscience after all.

They justify their lies because they believe Trump is a “threat to our democracy.” So, of course, it’s OK to lie about Biden, because to them, “Trump is much worse.” There is one really big problem with these idiotic warnings: Trump was far from a threat to democracy in his first term. In fact, he presided over a booming economy, had illegal immigrants remain in Mexico, and America had zero wars under his watch.

Everything is worse after nearly four years of Biden’s America. We have open borders, new terror threats, crime-infested cities, rampant homelessness, runaway inflation, wars around the globe, plus China, Russia and North Korea are laughing out loud at the weak Biden exudes. Now those are threats to our democracy. No rogue nation fears Biden.

Famous Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein told Anderson Cooper on CNN, “There have been 15 to 20 occasions in the last year and a half when the president has appeared somewhat as he did in that horror show (the debate) that we witnessed.”

He continued, “And what’s so significant is that the people that this is coming from, and also how many people around the president are aware of such incidents.” See how they roll? This “esteemed” member of the Fourth Estate just admitted he knew about this but didn’t get around to actually reporting it.

Axios reported that a Biden staffer who helped with fundraisers said: “It surprised me that a seasoned political pro like the president would need detailed verbal and visual instructions on how to enter and exit a room.” Biden uses note cards that say “Enter the room and go to the podium”! Kids in kindergarten don’t need to be told, “Enter the room and go to your desk.” They just do it!

This is a very dangerous time in America. And it’s brought to you by a corrupt media enterprise and a Democrat party hell-bent on power and control.

Scott Hennen

Scott Hennen hosts the statewide radio program “What’s On Your Mind?” heard on AM 1100 “The Flag” in Fargo and on AM 1090 KTGO “The Flag” in Watford City/Williston. Email him at [email protected].