
Lessons from the interview room

Lessons from the interview room

In recruiting, memorable encounters are often a valuable source of wisdom. When navigating a sea of ​​resumes, selecting the “right” candidate can be daunting, especially when faced with an abundance of seemingly qualified candidates. Amid these challenges, some candidates leave a lasting impression, shaping a recruiter’s approach for years to come.

Trusting your intuition: a lesson in caution

Adil Malia, CEO of The Firm

Adil Malia, CEO of The Firm, emphasizes the importance of gut instinct. During his tenure at Coca-Cola, a hiring decision underscored this principle. A seemingly ideal candidate with a structured background and strong cultural fit emerged as the frontrunner. Despite his apparent aptitude, Malia harbored a nagging doubt about the candidate’s authenticity. His intuition pointed him toward a less experienced but promising outsider. However, the majority preferred the safer choice, a decision that proved disastrous. The “perfect” candidate turned out to be a disappointment, costing the company significant market share. Malia emphasizes the importance of standing up for your gut instinct, especially when a candidate inspires genuine conviction: “Don’t let rationality overwhelm intuition,” he advises.

Meritocracy beyond recommendations

Jaikrishna B, President (Group HR), Amara Raja Group

Jaikrishna B, President (Group HR), Amara Raja Group, highlights the importance of meritocratic recruitment. Early in his career, he encountered a young candidate who defied expectations. While recommendations from plant managers influenced the recruitment process, this particular candidate stood out for his composure and technical prowess. He humbly asked for paper and pen to explain his answer, demonstrating his resourcefulness under pressure. Moreover, his confidence, in-depth knowledge, and interpersonal skills shone throughout the interview. To add another layer of impact, he shared a personal story that resonated with the team. Ignoring external pressures, they selected him based on his exceptional performance and emotional story. This candidate thrived in the role, eventually becoming a shop floor manager, which is a testament to the value of meritocratic selection. Jaikrishna highlights the additional lesson learned from this experience: the importance of creating a fair and adaptable interview process that allows candidates to highlight their strengths in unique ways. He concludes: “These lessons have shaped my approach to recruiting, with an emphasis on fairness, adaptability and empathy.”

Beyond the Resume: Redefining Possibilities

Jacob Jacob, Human Resources Manager of the Malabar Group

Jacob Jacob, HR Manager at Malabar Group, highlights the power of a candidate who redefines expectations. While searching for an R&D leader, he encountered an individual whose preparation was beyond the ordinary. This candidate not only meticulously researched the company, but also provided a detailed and predictive analysis of the industry and its impact on the organization. Jacob acknowledges that such thoroughness is rare, especially given the times. This candidate’s strategic mindset and ability to envision the future deeply impressed the team.

Jacob emphasizes the lesson learned: “It taught us the importance of looking beyond appearances.” Effective hiring, he concludes, is not just about matching skills to job descriptions; it’s about identifying individuals who can redefine possibilities and contribute to the long-term evolution of the organization. He then expands on the concept of looking for that unique spark in each candidate, the quality that sets them apart and makes them an integral part of the company’s story. “It’s about finding that exceptional aspect in each candidate that makes them a perfect fit, not only for the current role, but also for the challenges and opportunities ahead.”

These experiences illustrate the profound impact that memorable hires can have on recruiters. Whether it’s trusting intuition, focusing on meritocracy, or recognizing potential beyond the resume, these encounters shape a more nuanced and effective approach to talent acquisition. Recruiters who actively learn from these experiences become experts at identifying the often intangible qualities that characterize a truly exceptional candidate. In turn, these exceptional hires become the lifeblood of the organization, driving innovation and ensuring long-term success.