
Caught in scandal, deep-sea mining debate resumes in Kingston

Caught in scandal, deep-sea mining debate resumes in Kingston

Kingston, Jamaica – Governments are meeting to debate the future of deep-sea mining amid growing criticism of the head of the International Seabed Authority (ISA).

Greenpeace calls on delegates in Kingston to prioritise protection by agreeing a path to a moratorium.

The 29th session of the International Seabed Authority (ISA) resumes today with a meeting of its Council followed by a meeting of the Assembly with two crucial items on the agenda: the election of the Secretary-General and the debate on a moratorium on deep-sea mining. The debate on seabed protection comes last on the agenda after being blocked by pro-mining countries last year.

“The science is clear: deep sea mining cannot happen without environmental costs and the only solution is a moratorium. The more we know about deep sea mining, the harder it is to justify it. ISA governments must not bow to industry demands and rush through regulations that benefit a few at the expense of the interests of Pacific communities and the views of scientists,” said Louisa Casson, Greenpeace International’s Stop Deep Sea Mining campaigner, who is attending the meeting.

During the Council meeting, ISA Member States will continue negotiations on the draft regulation on a mining code, picking up where States left off in March, amid growing divergences of views among delegations.(1)(2)

“It’s time for change at the ISA. A third term for Michael Lodge would not only endanger the oceans, but also risk further damaging public trust in the regulator. Mining companies are eager to get in on the action and there is growing evidence that Lodge is overstepping his supposedly neutral role to align himself with commercial interests. The ISA must listen to the millions of people and the growing number of governments calling for an end to deep-sea mining. It’s time to put conservation at the heart of the ISA’s work,” said Louisa Casson.

The election of the ISA Secretary General will take place on the last day of the Assembly (August 2). Surrounded by scandal, British Michael Lodge is not being sponsored by the United Kingdom this time; he will, however, seek a third term supported by the Pacific island of Kiribati. Marine scientist and international diplomat Leticia Carvalho has been put forward as an alternative candidate by her country, Brazil.

ISA celebrates its 30th anniversaryth The Council is celebrating its 150th anniversary this year and has never had a female Secretary-General. Other candidates may be proposed until the last day of the Council meeting on 26 July.



(1) Most of the first two weeks will be devoted to negotiations on the Mining Code, the ISA’s rules for exploring and exploiting marine minerals in the area. Under Michael Lodge’s tenure, and with the support of some pro-mining countries, the ISA Council now meets three times a year to try to finalize these negotiations quickly. This contrasts with calls from scientists, civil society, indigenous groups and the growing number of countries in favor of a moratorium, who are calling for time to think carefully about the future of the deep ocean.

(2) Status of deep-sea mining regulations and underlying factors of outstanding issues


Sol Gosetti, media coordinator for the Stop Deep Sea Mining campaign, Greenpeace International: (protected email)+44 (0) 07807352020 WhatsApp +44 (0) 7380845754

Greenpeace International Press Office: (protected email)+31 (0) 20 718 2470 (available 24 hours a day)