
Woman Finally Arrested…After Robbing Same TJ Maxx 30 Times

Woman Finally Arrested…After Robbing Same TJ Maxx 30 Times

There are stories of thieves who were caught after returning to a place to rob it a second time… or even a THIRD TIME. Well, this woman beat them all.

A 27-year-old California woman named Florence Miller was arrested last Thursday and charged with stealing from the same TJ Maxx store…up to 30 TIMES over a period of about nine months.

The value of the stolen goods was approximately $6,000, and included items such as handbags and jeans. Each individual theft was for less than $950… and in most cases, the anti-theft cables were cut to recover the goods.

Florence faces 30 counts of theft…although more charges could be added if additional thefts are discovered.

And this wasn’t the first time she’d found herself in this situation. During those nine months, she was on probation for theft. It’s unclear whether this case also involved TJ Maxx, or if it was something else.

(CBS News)