
City council considers new variance, controversial King St. rezoning

City council considers new variance, controversial King St. rezoning

Above, a gas station in Cumberland Farm, Connecticut. According to emails obtained by opponents of the rezoning of the parcel on King Street, developer Joe Evans told City Manager Jamie Hellen that the plan is to build a fuel service facility and convenience store, similar to the one at Cumberland Farms, next to the fire station if a new zoning can be approved.

The decks are clear for another lively city council meeting Wednesday night at 7 p.m. (Zoom participation is also an option).

Two items on the agenda appear likely to attract the most attention from councillors and the public, namely:


a. Discussion on the replacement and budget adjustment for the financial year 25 n° 2

i. Legislation for action no. 9a


a. Resolution 24-50: Transfer of the budget stabilization account to the 2025 fiscal year of Franklin Public School

Operating budget

(Motion to approve resolution 24-50 – Vote by a majority of ⅔)

b. Amendment to Zoning By-law 24-905: Zoning Plan changed from Single Family Residential III to Commercial, a zone located on or near King Street – Second Reading

(Motion to approve amendment to Zoning By-law 24-905 – Roll call vote by ⅔ majority)

Replacement prospects

Although an override valued at nearly $7 million failed to pass in the June 11 special election, many supporters of One Franklin, the pro-override group, are eager to try again on Nov. 5. If the override is passed, a final vote by the city council would be required by Aug. 7 because of the requirements associated with a federal election. Although One Franklin has apparently dissolved, many are still pushing for that outcome.

The “Vote No to Franklin” group is still operating on the assumption that a priority issue will likely be put to voters.

King Street

The website of the opponents of the zoning measure offers links to resources, videos and various notes. It can be found here.