
The Fayetteville Observer’s Under-40 Class of 2024: Meet Brittany Roberts

The Fayetteville Observer’s Under-40 Class of 2024: Meet Brittany Roberts

Brittany Roberts, 30, of Laurinburg, is an assistant superintendent of Asheboro City Schools.

She was nominated for 40 Under 40 because she “examines the recruitment and retention experiences of Black principals in North Carolina as part of her research. Her dedication to addressing important educational issues is unmatched for someone her age. She is heavily involved with the Children’s Defense Fund Freedom Schools, where she has had a significant impact on K-12 and college students, demonstrating her commitment,” wrote nominator Wendy Rich. “As the Deputy Superintendent of Asheboro City Schools, I am especially proud of her service to our students and community as an assistant principal and as head football coach. She has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to our district through her leadership abilities both within the school and in extracurricular activities.”

Here’s what else you need to know about this member of the Fayetteville Observer’s 40 Under 40 class of 2024.

Brittany Roberts.Brittany Roberts.

Brittany Roberts.

Who are your immediate family members?

Mother, Betty Roberts; two brothers, Ronnie and Antoine Mackie.

What is your job exactly ?

As Assistant Principal, I assist the Principal in providing instructional leadership to staff, including planning, reviewing, implementing, and refining programs. I assist in the day-to-day administration of the buildings and ensure the safety and well-being of students, staff, volunteers, and activities. I lead staff in providing quality instruction, maintaining a safe and positive educational environment, enforcing discipline when necessary, and adhering to school policies.

Working with the Principal, I help manage the school’s employees, set overall direction, coordinate and evaluate staff performance. My responsibilities include supervising staff in accordance with organizational policies and applicable laws, participating in interviews, making hiring recommendations, training employees, planning, assigning and directing work, evaluating performance, handling complaints and resolving problems. In addition, I serve as a mentor, repairing and shaping all staff in the school to ensure a cohesive and supportive work environment.

Additionally, I create and implement a school-wide coaching model that provides each teacher with access to a highly qualified instructional coach. This includes weekly lesson plan feedback, in-class instructional support, resources, and individual professional development plans.

Where did you receive your education?

Fayetteville State University: Educational Leadership PK-12: Doctoral cohort ’27; expected graduation May 2025.

North Carolina State University: Northeast Leadership Academy; NC Principal Fellow; Master of Educational Administration, May 2022.

University of North Carolina at Pembroke: Master of Science in K-12 Physical and Health Education, June 2020.

University of North Carolina at Pembroke: Bachelor of Science in Exercise, Sports and Physiology, June 2016.

What community and professional groups are you affiliated with?

North Carolina Future Ready Leadership Principals and Assistant Principals; Pi Lambda Theta Honors Society — Fayetteville State University; Doctoral Association of Professional Students — Fayetteville State University; Consultant for Children’s Defense Funds Freedom Schools; Member, NAACP, Laurinburg; NC State Educational Leadership Navigator

How do you volunteer your time to the community?

As an Assistant Principal, I believe in actively engaging with the community to strengthen relationships and support local initiatives. I volunteer my time in a variety of ways, such as organizing after-school programs, attending PTA meetings, and helping to organize school events. I also contribute to local nonprofits, assisting with library literacy programs, and supporting integrated summer reading programs. My civic engagement includes attending town hall meetings and participating in neighborhood associations to address community issues. Additionally, I support social services by volunteering at food banks and shelters and participating in health and wellness programs. I coach youth sports, assist with summer camps, and support arts programs and cultural festivals. I am involved with the NAACP and contribute to their efforts to promote educational equity. Through mentoring programs like Project Knowledge and local career fairs, I advise students on academic and career planning. Finally, I promote environmental stewardship by organizing community cleanups and participating in gardening projects. By engaging in these activities, I aim to build stronger connections with the community and demonstrate my commitment to the development and well-being of our students and families.

What is one thing you wish people knew or understood better about your profession?

I wish people better understood the multifaceted nature of my job as an assistant principal. Many people see the administrative side, but there is much more to it. Beyond managing school operations and implementing policies, a significant part of my job involves supporting and mentoring students and staff. This includes providing instructional leadership, addressing individual needs, and fostering a positive and inclusive school culture. Balancing these responsibilities requires not only organizational skills, but also empathy, patience, and a deep commitment to the well-being and development of each member of the school community.

What is the best advice you have ever received and/or the worst advice you have ever followed?

The best advice I have ever received is to “listen more than you talk.” In a leadership role, especially in education, it is essential to truly understand the perspectives and concerns of students, staff, and parents. Active listening helps build trust, fosters open communication, and leads to more informed and effective decision-making.

The worst advice I ever followed was to “stick strictly to the rules with no exceptions.” While rules and policies are important for maintaining order and consistency, blindly following them without considering individual circumstances can be detrimental. Flexibility and empathy are essential to meeting the unique needs and situations that arise in a school environment. Learning to balance policy enforcement with compassion and understanding has been essential to effectively supporting my school community.

What goal have you already achieved and how did you achieve it?

One of the important goals I achieved was the successful implementation of a comprehensive support system that provides students with academic assistance and social-emotional resources. This initiative aimed to improve student performance and well-being by addressing their holistic needs.

To achieve this, I followed the following steps:

  • Needs Assessment: Conducted surveys and held meetings with students, teachers, and parents to understand the academic and social-emotional challenges students were facing.

  • Research and Planning: Research best practices in academic support and social-emotional learning and develop a comprehensive plan including goals, resources and timeline.

  • Obtain Resources: Advocate and secure funding from school administration and external grants to hire qualified counselors and educational tutors.

  • Professional Development: Training sessions organized for teachers, counselors, and tutors to ensure they are well prepared to meet the academic and social-emotional needs of students.

  • Implementation: Rollout of the support system, ensuring students have access to tutoring, counseling services, social-emotional learning programs, and workshops that address both academic and emotional well-being.

  • Monitoring and feedback: Establishing a regular feedback and evaluation system to monitor the effectiveness of the program and make necessary adjustments.

  • By engaging with the school community, securing necessary resources, and continually evaluating the impact of the program, I was able to successfully implement this comprehensive support system, resulting in improved academic performance and student well-being.

If you weren’t in your current profession, what would you be doing?

If I were not an associate director, I would be a full-time pastor. Being a pastor would allow me to fulfill my passion for helping and guiding people through life’s challenges, providing support and encouragement. It would allow me to focus on the spiritual and emotional well-being of a community, fostering a sense of belonging, and positively impacting the lives of individuals. My commitment to leadership, empathy, and personal growth would seamlessly transition into pastoral work, where I could continue to serve and uplift others in meaningful and profound ways.

What are the five things (not people or animals) you can’t live without?

  • Scripture: Just as the Bible serves as a guide for life, books are essential to expanding my knowledge and understanding of the world, complementing and enriching my biblical learning.

  • Psalms and Hymns: Music, especially songs of praise and worship, connects me to God on a deep level, echoing the Psalms’ themes of gratitude, praise, and reverence.

  • Creation: Nature reflects the majesty and creativity of God, reminding me of His presence and providing opportunities for spiritual reflection and renewal, consistent with biblical passages that celebrate the wonders of creation.

  • The Word: Writing tools allow me to explore and articulate my faith journey, just as the disciples recorded their experiences and teachings in the Bible, fostering deeper understanding and growth in biblical learning.

  • Physical Temple: Our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and physical activity is essential to maintaining health and honoring God’s gift of life. Exercise allows me to manage my body well, in accordance with biblical principles of self-management and self-care.

What do you do outside of work to make money?

For me, running is more than just a physical activity: it’s a holistic practice that enriches my mind, body, and soul. Beyond the physical health benefits, running provides me with valuable opportunities for introspection, mental clarity, and personal growth.

What is the song that always makes you happy or motivates you?

Stevie Wonder’s “Ribbon in the Sky” has a timeless, soulful melody combined with heartfelt lyrics that evoke a sense of beauty, hope and longing.

Some answers may have been edited for style and grammar.

This article was originally published on The Fayetteville Observer: 40 Under 40: Asheboro City Schools’ Brittany Roberts