
Child nearly hit by vehicle that drove through bus stop sign – Rockland Daily

Child nearly hit by vehicle that drove through bus stop sign – Rockland Daily

Watch: Child nearly hit by vehicle that drove through bus stop sign

Watch: Child nearly hit by vehicle that drove through bus stop sign

By Idy Perl

A chilling video sent to the Rockland Daily shows the moment a car nearly hit a child twice.

The vehicle is first seen accelerating, while a bus slows to a stop and begins to make a stop sign. The driver finally stops next to the bus and a young girl is seen getting off the bus and crossing the street behind the vehicle.

For some unknown reason, as if to correct his mistake, the driver starts to back up just as the child is behind the car. The bus driver quickly starts beeping to alert the driver, and he stops just in time.

This near miss only goes to show the importance of following bus stop laws. Stopping when a bus has a stop sign out can save a life.