
Four-way stop signs installed at dangerous Tooele intersection

Four-way stop signs installed at dangerous Tooele intersection

TOOELE CITY, Utah — Homeowners near 400 North and 100 East are accustomed to the sights and sounds of cars crashing at the Tooele intersection.

“When we first moved here and started having kids, we never allowed them to play in the yard unsupervised because we were afraid of that area,” April Taylor said.

April and Jonathan Taylor have lived in their home for thirty years and the intersection has always been a concern.

“This is 100 East here. It’s a wide street, so (drivers) take it as an alternative to Main Street over there,” Jonathan explained.

The couple said cars have veered into their yard four times and they’ve had to replace their fence three times.

A lucky tree stump on their lawn even stopped a vehicle from entering their house.

“You look out the window and think, ‘Thank God that stump is there,’” April said.

FOX 13 News covered this dangerous intersection four years ago, when neighbors posted signs begging the city to make their streets safer.

“When the two cars collide, it sounds like a big bomb,” Shannon Bullock said in 2020.

“I saw two little girls almost get hit. They were so close they were touching the hood of the car,” Dee Byergo said four years ago.

After years of requests, Tooele city officials finally installed a four-way stop this week.

Signs along the road remind drivers to slow down due to the new changes.

The Taylors finally have a little more peace of mind

“It was very exciting, very exciting,” April said.