
Google Still Under Antitrust Spotlight: Investigation Opened for Unfair Business Practices

Google Still Under Antitrust Spotlight: Investigation Opened for Unfair Business Practices

Google and its parent company A they ended up in the line of fire ofAntitrust who decided to open an investigation for business practices Incorrect. In particular, attention is paid to the means by which the company obtains and manages the consent users to connect their services and use their own personal dataIt’s another episode of the same old story: data, data collection and consensus that aren’t always clear.

Google has not yet issued any official statement. However, it is likely that the company will respond to the accusations made by the Antitrust, defending its practices and providing clarification on how it handles users’ personal data.

Antitrust opens investigation into Google: Here’s why

According to the Authority, the consent requests sent by Google to users may not be sufficiently informative or clear about the actual effects of consent on the use of personal data. This raises questions about the ability of users to fully understand how their data is used and combined in the different services offered by Google.

Antitrust points out that the practices of submitting consent requests and the design of the consent collection mechanisms themselves could affect the average consumer’s freedom of choice. This could lead consumers to make commercial decisions that they might not otherwise have made, such as consenting to“combined” and “cross” use of their personal data between different Google services, with potentially significant impacts on privacy and competition in the digital marketplace.