
More Democrats urge Biden to consider abandoning campaign as he’s off the campaign trail due to COVID

More Democrats urge Biden to consider abandoning campaign as he’s off the campaign trail due to COVID

Laura Barron-Lopez:

Several of the Democrats I spoke with today, Amna, whether they’re legislators, donors or party officials, say the next 72 hours are going to be critical, that they want to see some type of movement or resolution.

And I spoke to a Democratic lawmaker today who told me that he could very well break with Biden by Monday, because they want to see some kind of decision here. And other Democratic sources that I speak to say that the train has finally left the station for lawmakers, that they think it’s time for President Biden to step aside.

And a lot of them, part of their hesitation comes from the fact that they want him to make this decision and make the announcement without having to speak publicly and without pushing him to do it.

Another Democratic congresswoman I spoke with today, Amna, said they’ve been getting calls from big Democratic donors in recent days, saying they want President Biden to step down. And those donors have told this congresswoman that there should be an open convention.

Now, an open convention is something that a lot of lawmakers and a lot of other Democrats don’t want. And it seems like they would like people, if President Biden makes that decision, to rally behind Vice President Kamala Harris.