
Hulk Hogan announces his support for Donald Trump in the election

Hulk Hogan announces his support for Donald Trump in the election

Hulk HoganAmerican wrestling superstar, announced at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee his support for the former US president and Republican candidate Donald Trump.

He did so from the stage and in front of a cheering crowd, who watched as he took off his jacket and ripped off a T-shirt to reveal a tank top with the last name of the former president and that of his running mate, the Ohio senator. JD Vance.

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“He’s going to win in November and when he does, we’re all going to be champions again. He’s been the greatest patriot and he still is. He’s always said exactly what he thinks, and no matter the odds, he always finds a way to win,” he said of Assetwhom he says he has known for 35 years.

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The United States, according to him, has never been in better shape than under the Republican mandate (2017-2021).

And came Joe Biden’Trump’s presidency and “the border and (the price of) food and gasoline are out of control.”

“The only one who can fix it is AssetHogan noted as Asset I blew him a kiss in the air as a thank you.

The 70-year-old wrestler with the pronounced moustache was one of the surprise speakers on the final day of the conservative conclave. He addressed the crowd shortly before AssetFirst public speech since surviving an assassination attempt Saturday in Butler, Pennsylvania.

“After the assassination attempt on him last week, enough is enough. Let’s let the Trumpamania run wild, brother. Let’s make America great again,” he said, alluding to the New York tycoon’s slogan.

I supported Obama in 2008

Hogan expressed sympathy in 2008 for the Democratic Party’s candidacy Barack Obama (2009-2017), but changed his mind four years later, according to the Washington Post.

In 2015, he said it should be AssetHe was Donald Trump’s running mate, but a few weeks ago he suggested he would also run for president, which didn’t happen.

Hoganwhose real name is Terry Gene Bolleawas extremely popular in the 80s and 90s as a member of the WWE.

He also gained fame for the 2013 legal battle in which he successfully sunk the gossip portal Gawker for publishing a sex tape of him.

Asset has had a long relationship with professional wrestling, as he has sponsored several events and even participated in scripted fights.