
Stop the Steal 2024: Republicans’ War on Fair Elections Has Never Ended

Stop the Steal 2024: Republicans’ War on Fair Elections Has Never Ended

Donald Trump’s campaign is funding and encouraging efforts to suppress votes, potentially bribe poll workers, and intimidate voters with poll watchers. They have learned a lot from the last election and are prepared to wreak havoc on the vote count if Trump loses again.

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The 2024 election is already a disaster and it’s not going to get any better anytime soon. At the recent Republican National Convention, the media picked up on Trump’s claim that he was going to shift to a message of unity. Unable to control himself, Trump included this jumble of words in his speech: “The outcome of the election, we’re never going to let that happen again. They’re using COVID to cheat. We’re never going to let that happen again.” He couldn’t finish his speech without repeating the big lie that he won the 2020 election.

The GOP and its allies have already filed over 90 lawsuits over election rules. Republican legislatures have been busy passing laws to suppress Democratic votes. Trump claims the election will have been rigged if he loses. This will give MAGA an excuse for whatever actions they take. Their goal is to sow chaos throughout the election, to create an appearance of uncertainty, in the hopes that the U.S. House of Representatives will decide the election in Trump’s favor. Basically, “Stop the Steal” on steroids.

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The drawing above was created by DonkeyHotey for WhoWhatWhy based on these images: caricature of Donald Trump (DonkeyHotey / Flickr – CC BY-SA 2.0 DEED), body (Gage Skidmore / Flickr – CC BY-SA 2.0 DEED), can (Wusel007 / Wikimedia – CC BY-SA 3.0 DEED), paper (Kelly / Pexels), town hall (Djmaschek / Wikimedia – CC BY-SA 4.0 DEED), glasses (Nicolas Völcker / Wikimedia – CC BY-SA 4.0 DEED ), face (Chris F / Pexels), body (SWinxy / Wikimedia – CC BY 4.0 DEED), clipboard (Gene / Wikimedia – CC BY 4.0 DEED) and ballot (Keith and Kasia Moore / Flickr – CC BY- SA 2.0 DEED).

  • DonkeyHotey

    DonkeyHotey creates artwork to illustrate news articles and opinion pieces. His current work is a combination of caricature, photo collage, and photo manipulation.

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