
Power grids: UBA director Messner criticises unfair burden sharing

Power grids: UBA director Messner criticises unfair burden sharing

Current update: July 22, 2024

Power grids: UBA director Messner criticises unfair burden sharing
Dirk Messner, President of the Federal Environment Agency. (IMAGO / IPON)

The president of the Federal Environment Agency criticises the fact that the current system disadvantages the northern regions, which have invested heavily into wind energy and network extension. This is not very convincing in terms of climate policy.

The President of the Federal Environment Agency (UBA), Dirk Messner, clearly criticises the current tariff structure for the use of electricity networks.Regions that modernize and expand their networks have so far borne the costs“, Messner told Table.Briefings. “And those who, especially in southern Germany, do not tackle this problem at the necessary pace are getting away with it.” That is not very convincing in terms of climate policy and equity.

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