
Apple TV+ wants to stop spending so much money on creating TV shows

Apple TV+ wants to stop spending so much money on creating TV shows

Image from article titled Apple Wants to Stop Spending So Much Money on Making TV Shows

Photo: Tony Avelar (AP)

Apple knows he’s spending too much money on TV shows and movies you’ve probably never seen — let alone heard of.

The company is exploring a new approach for Apple TV+ after spending a whopping $20 billion on original content, Bloomberg reported.

The outlet reported that Apple CEO Eddy Cue met with Apple TV+ studio heads Zack Van Amburg and Jamie Erlicht to try to get a handle on budgets. Van Amburg and Erlicht also reportedly said the streaming service wants to shed its reputation as the industry’s biggest spender.

Apple has spent huge amounts of money on shows and movies, such as $250 million on the miniseries “Masters of Air.”which he released this year with little success.

The streamer has also spent more than $500 million on films by Martin Scorsese, Ridley Scott and Matthew Vaughn, Bloomberg said.

Despite its massive spending, Netflix accounts for just 0.2% of the U.S. television audience, fewer views in a month than Netflix does in just 24 hours. The network is also struggling to grow its subscriber base.

Apple TV+’s troubles don’t seem to particularly worry the tech giant, since streaming isn’t its core business. Still, the days of its unlimited spending appear to be numbered, something the company has already signaled in its reluctance to renew its shows for a third season, according to Bloomberg data.

Apple TV+ is notably the last major streaming service without announcement levelThat’s likely to change after the company hired Joseph Cady, an advertising executive from NBCUniversal, earlier this year.