
Meet the MBA Class of 2025: Mallory Dubay, Notre Dame (Mendoza)

Meet the MBA Class of 2025: Mallory Dubay, Notre Dame (Mendoza)

“Enthusiastic MBA student, passionate about learning, connecting and planning the next international trip.”

Hometown: Rochester, New York

Fun fact about yourself: I traveled alone with my backpack through South America the spring before the MBA program started.

Undergraduate school and specialization: Hofstra University, Political Science

Last employer and job title: Senior Media Strategist at 72Point Inc.

When you think of Notre Dame, what are the first things that come to mind? To what extent have your experiences with the Mendoza program so far reinforced or disrupted those first impressions? While Notre Dame is often associated with football, iconic characters like Rudy and The Dome, what truly sets Notre Dame apart is the exceptionally motivated, talented and intelligent community of faculty, students and staff. I have never met a more dedicated group of individuals who inspire me to strive for excellence.

Besides your classmates, what was the key element of the Mendoza MBA program that led you to choose this business school and why was it so important to you? I chose Mendoza’s MBA program because of its commitment to experiential and global learning. There are many educational programs outside of South Bend. One of these is Mod-Away, where students can spend 7 weeks abroad or on the West Coast for a new experience. There are also opportunities to partner with international companies and work on consulting projects both abroad and domestically. The Meyer Business on the Frontlines program is a perfect example of how Mendoza sponsors experiential learning and global service. I am very excited to be part of an international Business on the Frontlines team this coming semester.

What class, club or activity have you enjoyed the most so far in Mendoza? I really enjoyed the Managerial Economics course: I looked forward to it every week (even though it was at 8am!). The course covered discussions about current events in the world, the dynamic landscape of the economy, and how to integrate this knowledge into future decision-making processes. Not only was the course fascinating, it also changed the way I read the news and analyze current events.

Describe your greatest achievement in your career so far: Throughout my career, one of my most notable accomplishments was my entry and subsequent success in the media relations industry with little prior experience. My growth was exponential in my previous role, where I learned how to develop media strategies for various clients and took on the responsibility of training and mentoring new colleagues. I am extremely grateful for this opportunity, which allowed me to gain such a wide range of experience so early in my career.

Describe your greatest achievement as an MBA student so far? I am proud to have been elected to the MBA Association, where my main goal is to integrate cohorts. I have participated in many fun initiatives and events aimed at fostering engagement between classes. I look forward to participating in our bowling league, MBA prom, and other exciting events coming up next semester.

Mendoza is known for being a purpose-driven MBA program that asks students to “grow the good in business.” What is your mission and how has Mendoza helped you achieve it? In all of our classes, we discuss the ways in which business can challenge us ethically and the importance of doing what is right for those around us. Mendoza’s focus on “growing good in business” aligns with my mission to be an empathetic leader in the business world. Often, women and other marginalized communities are overlooked in competitive business environments. I hope to be a part of the change in business by leading with compassion and understanding of the sociopolitical issues that affect us all.

What has been your best memory as an MBA so far? Between MBA happy hours, the career journey to Chicago, tailgates, and learning from world-renowned professors, it’s hard to pick a single memory. However, a standout moment for me was visiting my parents and being able to show them my life here by attending a football game together and meeting my incredible new friends and professors. My parents’ unwavering support throughout every step of my life made it truly exciting to have them with me in this chapter of my journey.