
NFL Players Could Stop the Money Train by Refusing to Play

NFL Players Could Stop the Money Train by Refusing to Play

Rob Parker: “The NFL takes every opportunity to make money off players and put them in danger, and nobody wants that, nobody needs an 18th football game, nobody needs a 17th football game.

Rob Parker: “Every time the NFL calls you, the players easily have all the power, all the might, because all you have to do, Ephraim, for the NFL to pay attention and come to the table and work with you is stop the game. Stop the money train and they’ll know you mean business and you’re not going to let them treat you like a hamburger and fries, which they’ve done time and time again.”

Rob Parker and Ephraim Salaam of The Odd Couple discuss how NFL players could avoid being forced to play extra games during the regular season. Listen to the full segment below!