
A family blocked the sidewalk and dared them to call the city, so that’s exactly what they did and were fined » TwistedSifter

A family blocked the sidewalk and dared them to call the city, so that’s exactly what they did and were fined » TwistedSifter

A family blocked the sidewalk and dared them to call the city, so that’s exactly what they did and were fined » TwistedSifterA family blocked the sidewalk and dared them to call the city, so that’s exactly what they did and were fined » TwistedSifter

Some people live their daily lives as if they were the only people on Earth.

Leaving your cart in the middle of the parking lot or double parking your car when it can easily fit in a single space.

Most of the time, you can just ignore these people and never think about them again. But when it comes to your neighbor, it’s not that simple!

So when this user’s neighbor refused to stop blocking the sidewalk with his giant RV, he told a complaining neighbor to call the city if he cared so much.

So they did just that!

Check it out!

This happened a few months ago in our neighborhood.

There is a rather dilapidated house with inconsiderate neighbors.

They have a large trailer that is too big for the driveway and sticks out a foot into the curb when parked.

This is not a problem as there is plenty of space to walk around, but the problem is that they always park one of their cars halfway down the driveway, completely blocking the sidewalk.

And they said the location of their home only made their random parking even more dangerous…

They live in a corner house, so it is dangerous for a family to walk down the street around a corner with no visibility because the sidewalk is inaccessible.

Several neighbors, including myself, have repeatedly asked them to park their cars in the driveway or park on the street to leave the sidewalk accessible.

They always say they will, but nothing changes.

But after a particularly heated exchange with one of the neighbors, they were in for a bit of a wake-up call!

Well, apparently they had an argument with one of the other neighbors about it, with the offending neighbor telling the other neighbor that if he wasn’t happy, he should call the city.

Well, the other neighbor did just that, the city stepped in and ticketed the SUV that was blocking the sidewalk.

They also blamed the trailer for being too big to fit in the driveway, forcing them to store it in a rental space for $350 a month.

It’s not like they could get upset, the neighbor was doing exactly what he was told! Be careful what you wish for!

Reddit seemed to think they were just asking for it.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevengeSource: Reddit/PettyRevenge

While others thought the cherry on the cake was that they received not just one fine, but two!

Source: Reddit/PettyRevengeSource: Reddit/PettyRevenge

This user thought Karma was just waiting for the opportunity to attack them!

Source: Reddit/PettyRevengeSource: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Ultimately, this user said that this story was just another example of common courtesy being far from common.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevengeSource: Reddit/PettyRevenge

People don’t play with parking!

You would think everyone would know this by now.

If you liked this story, read this one about a mother who was forced to take her three children with her to apply for government benefits, but ended up getting her dream job.