
$$$ ERA SAAS Models

$$$ ERA SAAS Models

$$$ ERA SAAS Models

In the world of AI, creating standard models is the next immediate task in the developers’ queue.

Under the hood

I have an entrepreneurial mindset and I learned it from past examples, but I like to solve problems and most importantly, I like to start with automation.

Automation or “the process of automating almost everything we do” will help you bring an entrepreneurial mindset into the framework. The art of solving problems well and optimizing the existing solution and the multiple ways to execute it is what I love the most. People are diverse and have diverse thoughts and the examples below of what I researched will justify it.

Every year I release a boilerplate or full-stack repository, it’s a kind of starter kit or code repository that contains the newest, trendiest or most recent technology stack, already coded or written with a well-defined responsive and interactive user interface.

Standard models are not a new concept, but they certainly reflect the way people think and therefore will make it different.

While searching for source code templates in the front-end, I switched to product search and was lost. Given the large number of source code options available, we can’t just open each website to check the details.

So I narrowed down my research and found SAAS template aggregators first and understood what the market demand was, so I started with LinkedIn.

I found this top-notch Google article and read it to discover the vast collection of

  • model ideas,
  • github templates,
  • Standard SAAS products and
  • startups that provide SAAS models Then I found the list of aggregators


Next.js SAAS Starter Kit

How do I leave Github, here we go

I examine each of the above platforms to gain an in-depth understanding of the SAAS model market.

Next.js, Supabase, Stripe, TailwindCSS

These are the most common models present on almost all SAAS platforms.

Given that demand is high, I predict more suppliers and creators will come forward to get their piece of the pie.

But almost every type of existing or known SAAS programming language exists in the Internet world.

  • Python
  • Following
  • Nest
  • Express
  • Net
  • Astro
  • Remix
  • Ball
  • Go
  • Pheonix, check out for more information

SAAS Model Market

Well, I don’t think the market has many models, but

Before purchasing the boilerplate code, I want to know the architecture of the boilerplate code as well as the entire code repository at once.

But most of the platforms do not offer code search or preview, otherwise it may be stolen or simply copy-pasted. We still need to work on these factors so that the owner of the SAAS code template can gain huge trust from the first try. This part is missing from many SAAS code template companies.

Show the user an image or video explaining the code repository, showing the user in one minute how easy it is for them to start their business in a matter of days.

This will help him trust you and just increase your sales, I have tested this idea so it works well for me.

Custom SAAS Template Idea

Another thing to note in this market is a mini model or a custom model.

This idea is implemented by Divjoy as they provide a SAAS model with customization options, meaning you can choose which packages you want to install and work with and pay only for the packages contained in the repository.

This makes sense because the user won’t get all the unnecessary code in the boilerplate, but either way we can remove that code later or just push it to the new branch.

Reducing the cost of standard templates with customization options is a good way to increase your sales as well as trust. Simply adding all the code in a repository and selling it to all kinds of customers will not make sense.

I would like to take the Divjoy concept in general and put some kind of form so that the user can select the packages he/she wants to work with and at the end the Submit button will give the corresponding template.

Where are the Github repositories?

Github repositories have one problem: the production-level codebase.

I covered a basic blog on what it’s like to put code into production in which I explained the fundamental difference between production-based code and project-based code.

When we develop user-centric products, we have to consider a lot of edge cases as well as a lot of validation, unnecessary state and memory leaks, as well as performance and responsiveness that make things quite complicated to manage on the client side.

These things can only be well handled and understood by an experienced developer and that’s why most of the founders of SAAS reference startups are experienced developers, this was not their only startup, so deeply understand that they have experience in developing real world products.

Marc Lou, the founder of ShipFast, is the best example you may have heard on the internet.

Github repositories are a good starting point to get your models.

I suggest that almost every developer has their own templates and code samples to prepare for reuse and help develop things quickly.

Another cheap business idea

I have another idea and I got it through my independent business.

Once you convince the freelance client to develop their SAAS, the total cost should be at least $200, otherwise this trick will not be profitable.

Let’s say your client pays you $1,000 for an eCommerce website and ShipFast will take $200 for the entire template.

1000–200 = 800 USD + Development time  

This also saves you a lot of time and we can easily serve 5+ clients per month. I haven’t tested this idea but what I used to do back when I was freelancing was to have ready templates for frontend websites and React native mobile apps and use those templates for all other clients and keep improving them by adding all other clients’ work as well.

This process took a lot of time, but it also helped me save a lot of time.

AI in the picture

How can I not see AI in this picture? AI will do everything it can to make everything run smoothly.

I mean I just copy-paste this boilerplate code file by file into chatGPT to optimize, clean up the code and refactor it.

Then I add Stripe, Lemonsquezy, Wise and other payment libraries as well as analytics libraries like Google or Plausible and I will install Vercel AI SDK, all using chatGPT, which will make my work easier in the future.

AI helps me to write test cases in frontend and backend using jest, so writing test cases can also be solved using AI.


A standard company for a developer is a good option to get paid for what you love to do.

Anyone can easily start this business, learn and eventually make money.

Encapsulating AI on standard models can help advance this business by creating more standard models, reducing development time and also increasing sales.

AI can also help in deciphering the exact needs and demands of the user in order to deliver the exact model as per the requirements.

Consider this as our next idea to build and let me know what you think.

Well, until next time
