
Civil unrest is the most predictable next crisis facing America today

Civil unrest is the most predictable next crisis facing America today

Civil unrest is the most predictable next crisis facing America today

For the past six months, I have been interested in the rise of civil war rhetoric in the mainstream media in the United States, and we all know that the upcoming presidential election is the cause. Ultimately, no matter who occupies the White House in 2025, there will be mass violence, but most of that violence will be reserved for the eventuality of Donald Trump’s return.

Let’s put aside the recent assassination attempt (and how the Secret Service made it possible) for a moment and consider the common reaction of the left to it: About 30% of Democrats believe the attack was “staged” (which is virtually impossible given the circumstances and evidence). The rest are furious that the shooter missed his target. No event has exposed the political left as its true nature as the near-assassination of Donald Trump. We are dealing with bloodthirsty mentally deficient people who will do anything to win.

The “false left/right paradigm” is dead, at least as far as average American citizens are concerned. The political left is not just an innocent subset of the population being led astray by false leadership – it is a big part of the problem. It is willingly participating in the destruction of the West. The globalists would not get anywhere on economic centralization, the DEI agenda, the trans agenda, carbon taxes, anti-2A legislation, open borders, etc. without the help of a large portion of the left.

I have long warned that the political left is slowly but surely becoming a happy army of cannon fodder for globalism. And unfortunately, leftists tend to engage in war while conservatives tend to engage in politics. Leftists use any means necessary and feel perfectly justified. Conservatives stay away for fear of being accused of “fascism.” We don’t have to abandon our moral compass, but the sooner we realize that a war is being waged against us, the sooner we can defend ourselves against it.

As we have seen in Europe (in France last month), any perceived shift in government toward conservative influence will undoubtedly result in riots and shenanigans by socialists. The media has so contaminated the minds of progressives that they truly believe that they are the “good guys” and that conservatives are out to “end democracy.” Thus, in their eyes, any violence or sabotage against conservatives (and independents) is justified.

In the long run, left-wing violence and hysteria only encourages conservatives to respond with equal aggression. This is where the risk of civil conflict arises. Leftists claim that they alone are virtuous enough to be allowed to dictate policy and law. Yet their ideology also embraces moral relativism, so you can see where this is going…

They will continue to push for the erosion of Western heritage and principles, and eventually ordinary people will fight back; they have no choice. Leftists and globalists expect resistance, to some extent. I believe part of their strategy is classic communist provocation: patriots respond with violence, thereby giving the establishment fuel for a demonization campaign (much like January 6).th) Next time, things won’t go as they think and the response will be much bigger and faster than they anticipate.

Meanwhile, if Trump is returned to power, the riots America faced in 2020 will be a walk in the park compared to those of 2025. Progressives claim they are “protecting democracy,” but you will soon see that as soon as democracy does not go their way, they will abandon it in a heartbeat and seek to prevail using other methods.

This means a campaign of “breaking the glass” followed by riots, looting and disruption in major cities.

A growing trend that should alert all business owners and preppers is the use of social media apps to coordinate seemingly spontaneous riots. These events can be organized in a matter of hours, encouraging the worst individuals to gather and strike in a commercial district without ever having met before. What worries me is that these methods are expanding beyond business districts and local government buildings.

Traffic lanes will be threatened, freight could be targeted, and we could even see looters and rioters moving into residential areas further from the city center. Supply chain issues will certainly arise. At a minimum, freight drivers will be wary of taking the risk of hauling trucks loaded with goods to locations where they could be surrounded by an angry mob and hijacked (or worse).

Large-scale crime is generally bad for the economy. As we’ve seen in cities like Chicago and San Francisco, unchecked crime forces businesses out of an area and leaves those places deserted. This is called a “food desert”—a place where tens of thousands of people don’t have access to grocery stores or retail products. Looting and riots are an accelerating catalyst for this scenario. Once stores are looted or burned, they may never try to rebuild.

What I am describing is a much larger number of incidents and of a longer duration than in 2020. I am talking about prolonged civil unrest and I predict that this will become the norm next year. Do not count on the government to provide sufficient assistance. Do not count on FEMA rations or a National Guard response that will only make the problem worse. Do not count on outside help – you will regret it.

There are different levels of civil unrest. Sometimes it starts as a simple attempt to right wrongs, but often it becomes a vector of uncontrolled destruction. The best way to counter indiscriminate violence is with targeted and directed self-defense, as well as adequate means to hold out until the situation calms down.

And don’t think that you’re not affected by these threats because you live in the suburbs or a rural town. In Argentina, during the economic collapse of 2001, bands of looters roamed rural areas with impunity, while cities were paralyzed. Once the cities are gutted, where do you think the worst people will go next?

In the United States, the situation is similar to that in Argentina, where the economic crisis can directly fuel pre-existing divisions. Bad actors, motivated by political reasons, could be incentivized to sabotage normal services in the face of limited opposition from law enforcement. Some people will do anything to get what they want.

Organize yourself accordingly and prepare your own supplies. There are many people who think they are owed something. They think they are owed a political victory, social power, or perhaps they simply think they are owed access to other people’s businesses. Right now, the United States is a powder keg waiting to explode, and the upcoming election season will be the detonator.

Reprinted with permission from

The article Civil Unrest Is America’s Next Most Predictable Crisis Now appeared first on LewRockwell.