
Her Friend’s Sister Thought She Was Italian But She’s Indian So She Laughed In Her Face And Now Her Friend’s Sister Is Offended » TwistedSifter

Her Friend’s Sister Thought She Was Italian But She’s Indian So She Laughed In Her Face And Now Her Friend’s Sister Is Offended » TwistedSifter

Her Friend’s Sister Thought She Was Italian But She’s Indian So She Laughed In Her Face And Now Her Friend’s Sister Is Offended » TwistedSifterHer Friend’s Sister Thought She Was Italian But She’s Indian So She Laughed In Her Face And Now Her Friend’s Sister Is Offended » TwistedSifter

We laugh for all kinds of reasons, but some people may think you’re laughing at them rather than with them.

Misunderstandings like this tend to be very awkward.

Read on to see what happened in this story.

For reference, I am of Indian descent and in my opinion I look like one: brown skin, ethnic features, dark hair and eyes, etc.

I know this girl, the sister of a friend of mine, who, frankly, is not the brightest for a myriad of reasons.

Today I was at my friend’s house and she said she hadn’t seen me for a while.

I said yes, my family and I had taken a trip to India.

At first glance, it seems like an ordinary conversation.

She asked me why my family and I chose to travel to India, so I told her I was Indian.

She looked shocked and said she thought I was white.

This made me laugh in surprise, because I was honestly just surprised, because I don’t think I look white at all.

I couldn’t believe she would think that. I mean, I look Indian and I have an Indian name.

But her friend makes things even more awkward.

She got defensive and explained that she thought I was Italian or something.

I just looked at her weirdly, because I felt like it was such a strange assumption that I didn’t understand how she could think that.

She said I was an asshole for laughing and making her feel stupid, but it was unintentional and it was a stupid assumption.

What is this ?

Here’s what people are saying.

It’s amazing what people will do to themselves just because they like the sound of their own voice.

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

Acceptance is a powerful thing.

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

Has she never met anyone from Pakistan? Wow.

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

Laughter is the best way to do this. Why do people go to so much trouble to create drama?

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

I laughed at this question. It’s true!

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

Maybe she should stick to talking about the weather.

May God bless her.

If you liked this story, check out this article about a girl who crashed her parents’ 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.