
Employee accidentally hits ‘reply all’ to company-wide email, sends message ranting about boss to 500 coworkers: ‘Within minutes my inbox blew up’

Employee accidentally hits ‘reply all’ to company-wide email, sends message ranting about boss to 500 coworkers: ‘Within minutes my inbox blew up’

Employee accidentally hits ‘reply all’ to company-wide email, sends message ranting about boss to 500 coworkers: ‘Within minutes my inbox blew up’

This employee is living all of our worst nightmares. Let this be a lesson that if you want to vent about the company and specifically call out colleagues for their entitled behavior, you probably shouldn’t do so over email. Have you ever been on an email thread with hundreds of people, and there’s that one person who asks a question specifically directed at one person but hits reply all? You have to be brave to send out an email to that many people. I’ll be sending an email to one person and still quadruple-check my work before pressing send. Unfortunately, this poor employee didn’t do that. After drafting a long-winded email to a friend complaining about the company, he hit send. Little did he know that in addition to his friend getting his message, so did the entire company. Within minutes, his inbox blew up with coworkers saying how he was brave to send that, or that they couldn’t believe he’d say those things. Than the intense anxiety. Keep reading to see what his boss had to say about it.