
Kamala Harris Hired Illegal Alien Who Assaulted Woman to Participate in Employment Program While She Was San Francisco District Attorney

Kamala Harris Hired Illegal Alien Who Assaulted Woman to Participate in Employment Program While She Was San Francisco District Attorney

Kamala Harris Hired Illegal Alien Who Assaulted Woman to Participate in Employment Program While She Was San Francisco District Attorney

Harris also supports sanctuary policies related to the release of violent criminals.

While serving as San Francisco district attorney, Vice President Kamala Harris hired an illegal immigrant who had assaulted a woman to participate in a free employment program.

Harris has always maintained that she has spent her career fighting individuals and institutions that harm the American public, and she has been spreading that message since the beginning of her presidential campaign. But her tenure as San Francisco district attorney proves otherwise.

As a prosecutor, Harris established a program called “Back on Track” to rehabilitate illegal immigrants arrested for drug offenses through education and job training. Harris championed the initiative as a model for criminal justice reform.

(Related article: Media rewrites history, claims Kamala was never Biden’s ‘border czar’ to address migrant issues.)

The program was called into question, however, when one of its participants, Alexander Izaguirre, an illegal immigrant from Honduras, committed a violent crime while enrolled.

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Izaguirre, who had been arrested twice in eight months for purse snatching and cocaine sales, was selected for “Back on Track” by Harris’ office.

But in July 2008, while enrolled in the program, Izaguirre assaulted San Francisco resident Amanda Kiefer in a brutal attack that left her with a fractured skull and long-term trauma. At the time, Izaguirre stole Kiefer’s purse and, in an attempt to escape, got into an SUV and tried to run her over. Kiefer clung to the hood of the vehicle before being thrown onto the road, causing serious injuries. The assault prompted Kiefer to leave California permanently. He avoided deportation and still received job training.

When her story surfaced in 2009, during Harris’ campaign for California attorney general, she expressed regret over the program’s oversight of illegal immigrants and expressed confusion and anger over why people with criminal records were not being deported.

“The immigration issue, as it relates to the Izaguirre case, is obviously a huge stain on the face of this program,” Harris said at the time. “I don’t want to trivialize it or gloss over it.” She had no choice but to support Izaguirre’s deportation and change the Back on Track criteria to require participants to provide documentation proving their eligibility to work legally. But Harris still allowed the remaining illegal immigrants in the program to complete their training.

“My question was, what can we do to prevent this from happening in the future?” she said at the time. And now she’s highlighting her experience as a prosecutor in her 2024 presidential campaign.

Harris also supports sanctuary policies related to the release of violent criminals

In addition to the “Back on Track” program, she also supported sanctuary policies, which have been linked to the release of violent criminals, as San Francisco’s district attorney.

In fact, a 2006 statement from his spokesman said, “We are a sanctuary city, a city of refuge, and we always will be.” The policy, which protects undocumented immigrants, prohibits local authorities from questioning the immigration status of individuals unless they have committed a crime.

However, the rough interpretation of these policies by several city departments has been implicated in numerous violent crimes.

For example, the notorious case of Edwin Ramos, an illegal immigrant from El Salvador with a long criminal history, committed a triple murder in June 2008. Ramos shot and killed Tony Bologna, 48, and his two sons, Michael, 20, and Matthew, 16, during a traffic stop. Prosecutors suggested that Ramos mistakenly believed the victims were members of rival gangs.

Ramos was charged with gang-related assault and attempted robbery, but the juvenile probation department did not involve federal immigration authorities because of the sanctuary city policy.

At the time, Danielle Bologna, the widow and mother of the victims in the Bologna case, pleaded with Harris to have Ramos sentenced to death. But Harris maintained her stance against the death penalty and argued for a life sentence without the possibility of parole for Ramos.

In March 2008, months before the Bologna murders, Ramos was found in a car with another gang member who had tried to dispose of a gun used in a double murder. No charges were filed against Ramos because police could not prove he had knowledge of the gun.

In 2009, Danielle Bologna filed a lawsuit against the city, claiming that the city’s lax interpretation of sanctuary city policies contributed to her family’s deaths. However, a judge dismissed the lawsuit, finding that city officials were not responsible for Ramos’ actions.

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