
Fickle ‘Karen’ throws epic meltdown at LAPD station as she launches racist tirade at man in lobby

Fickle ‘Karen’ throws epic meltdown at LAPD station as she launches racist tirade at man in lobby

An unpredictable woman was filmed having an epic tantrum at a Los Angeles police station and launching into a racist tirade against a man in the lobby.

The video, apparently captured at the Hollywood Police Department on August 6 at 12:01 a.m., shows the unidentified woman getting into an argument with the black man who was filming her after he demanded that officers shoot the homeless man.

He began insulting the woman, saying she was “shaped like an apple with little skinny legs” and looked like a “slut.”

The woman was then seen shouting at him to “go back to the jungle” and “go back to Africa” before being escorted out of the police station.

Fickle ‘Karen’ throws epic meltdown at LAPD station as she launches racist tirade at man in lobby

An unidentified woman was caught on camera having a seizure at the Hollywood Police Station in the early morning hours of August 6.

The sequence begins with the woman standing at the counter of the Hollywood police station, complaining to the officers sitting behind a glass partition about the city’s homeless problem.

“You can’t go out on the street and arrest these people,” she shouts.

When the officer tries to answer, she interrupts and says, “No, because you know what, because you’re too afraid to confront them. That’s your problem.”

“You can’t confront these people and get them off the street,” she continued, before asking the officer, “What is your gun for?”

“You don’t know how to use your weapon, sir,” she accuses the officer. “That’s why they made you sit here working on the computer.”

The woman was filmed yelling at officers and suggesting they shoot the homeless people.

The woman was filmed yelling at officers and suggesting they shoot the homeless people.

The woman goes on to say that the police should go after the “drug addicts and homeless black people that are roaming around here.”

“They’re vandalizing cars. And you let these people stay here,” she accused the police, arguing that “it’s the city’s responsibility” because “they’re hanging around.”

At that point, the black man waiting in line interrupted him.

“She wants to shoot the homeless,” he said incredulously.

But the woman said to him, “Sir, that is none of your business.”

“That’s my business, you bitch,” he retorts. “Shut your mouth!”

But the woman said to him, “That’s none of your business.”

“Well, you’re here speaking in public, so I’m going to speak out,” the man said, before insulting him.

“Your love handles are spilling out the sides.”

“That’s why you look like a… redneck. Look at you. You literally look like a redneck.”

“Pull yourself together, sweetheart. You look disgusting. You’re just miserable.”

“No wonder you’re unhappy, look at you. You’re shaped like an apple with skinny little legs,” the man continues.

“You look like… You know what? Look at you, you’re really broke. You’re broke. Your life sucks.”

When a black man intervened, the woman launched into a racist tirade

She repeatedly told him to “go back to the jungle” and “go back to Africa.”

When a black man intervened, the woman launched into a racist tirade, repeatedly telling him to “go back to the jungle” and “go back to Africa.”

At that point, the woman began making racist remarks.

“Go back to the jungle!” she said to the man. “Go back to the jungle.”

“Go back to Africa! Go back to Africa! Go back to the jungle.”

Officers behind the counter were heard telling the woman to “stop,” but she quickly pointed at the man and retorted, “He started it.”

Yet the man continued to tell her “your life sucks,” prompting the woman to once again tell him to “go back to your fucking jungle.”

“Look at you, you’re the jungle lady, in your little $5 outfit,” he retorts, telling her she should go back to the jungle instead.

“No, I’m American. Nobody brought me here,” she said.

The man then continues to insult the woman, saying, “You look disgusting.”

“That’s too bad! It’s a disgrace. Look at you, you’re disgusting. You look dirty. You started it, my dear,” he yells, as an officer escorts him out.

She was escorted from the station by police and has not been charged with any wrongdoing.

She was escorted from the station by police and has not been charged with any wrongdoing.

Many Reddit users praised the man for standing up to him, with one saying that “the world could use a few more people like him calling people out for their wrongdoings.”

Another derided the woman, calling her a “disgusting human being” and said he was “glad” the man “spoke to her that way, she deserved it.”

But a third suggested the woman may have been suffering from “mental illness and/or liver failure” and was “probably drunk” but was “definitely belligerent and rude”.

“She deserves to be treated badly, but it won’t teach her any lessons, it will just make her worse,” the Redditor suggested.

“The best thing to do is to arrest him for disturbing the peace.”

Los Angeles Police Department officers, however, say the woman went to the police station to file a felony report and her rant caught the attention of the black man in the lobby.

“The gentleman and she were arguing and we separated them and kept the peace,” a department spokesperson told

He added that the woman had not been accused of any wrongdoing and that her complaint had been filed with the police.