
Her coworker revealed her real name to people when she didn’t want it to be known, so she called him at work and caused him trouble

Her coworker revealed her real name to people when she didn’t want it to be known, so she called him at work and caused him trouble

Her coworker revealed her real name to people when she didn’t want it to be known, so she called him at work and caused him trouble

Source: Reddit

Here’s a life tip: If someone kindly asks you to call them by a specific name, just do it and don’t make a big deal out of it.

Things are much easier this way!

But you know how people can be… they have to make everything difficult and dramatic.

Read the Reddit story below and see if you think this teen did anything wrong.

AITA for embarrassing a colleague because of a name?

“I (17F) grew up attending sleepaway camp from age 7 to 13.

A few of the staff stayed year after year and I got to know them quite well. One of the perks of being on the staff at this particular camp is that they hire mostly non-Americans.

I am one of four Americans on a team of seventy people. The only downside is that all of my colleagues have a mild accent and I have chosen to use a name that can be difficult for non-native speakers to pronounce.

Here’s the deal…

I have a first and middle name. My first name is very common and easier to pronounce, but I stopped using it when I was twelve and chose to go by my middle name.

My middle name is harder to pronounce and many of my coworkers have trouble pronouncing it. I told people they could call me by the first letter only, but I made an exception.

My friend “Amy” (28F) has worked at camp since I was a camper. She was a counselor most summers and now that I’m on staff, we’re really close.

Since that first summer, she has called me by a nickname based on my first name.

She’s the only person who’s ever been allowed to call me that, and she asked me at the beginning of the summer if she could keep using it. I said yes, because I find it endearing.

There is a problem…

Now this is where I might be a *******.

Another of my coworkers, “Ben” (23 months), heard Amy use this nickname and asked if he could use it too.

This is Ben’s first summer at camp, so I don’t know him very well and I asked him not to go. Now he won’t stop bugging me.

He tells me my name is beautiful, that I shouldn’t be ashamed of using it (I’m not ashamed, I just don’t like it), and that if Amy can use it, then obviously that’s okay. I’ve told him “no” multiple times.

This guy seems like a nutcase.

Apparently Ben wasn’t happy about that because yesterday I heard some campers calling me by my first name. I wasn’t sure if they were talking to me or not because I never told them my first name.

They were yelling it and every time I asked them to stop they would laugh and giggle. Kids do that kind of thing. I brought it up yesterday in the team meeting and asked Ben if he had told the kids my name.

He said he “had to let this information slip.” He added: “They’re not going to stop using it, so everyone needs to be able to use it now.”

She’s pretty annoyed about it.

I told him and every other staff member in that room that if anyone tried to call me by my first name or encouraged campers to call me by my first name, I would simply not respond.

The general feeling in the room was that the staff supported me, and I saw many people looking at Ben with a dirty look throughout the rest of the meeting.

After the meeting, I saw our boss bring him into the office, and when he came out, he told me that if I really had a problem with it, I could have just said “no” or told him to stop.

He told me that I didn’t need to talk about it in front of the whole staff. Others of my colleagues had the same opinion. I feel like I tried to say “no” and “stop”, but no one listened to me.

” What is this ? “

And here’s what people said on Reddit.

This reader shared his thoughts.

Source: Reddit

Another person said he was not a member of the NTA.

Source: Reddit

This person spoke.

Source: Reddit

Another Reddit user chimed in.

Source: Reddit

And this reader didn’t hold back.

Source: Reddit

People really get bothered by names, huh?

If you liked this story, check out this article about a clueless CEO who tells a web developer to “behave according to his salary”… and it results in 30% of the workforce being laid off.