
Dumb puppets of the deep state

Dumb puppets of the deep state

Dumb puppets of the deep state

Kamala Harris. Image courtesy of Wikipedia Commons

1,457 words

Have you ever closed your eyes and listened to Kamala Harris laugh? It’s quite disconcerting. Her cackle is like the snickering of a pack of hyenas after finding day-old carrion on the savannah. Sometimes it happens when she’s talking about Venn diagrams or when she’s trying in vain to broach a serious topic like water security and droughts.

The Democratic candidate the left loves so much these days is also breathtakingly stupid. She would be lucky to have an IQ equal to that of a potted plant, which is a huge disservice to indoor flora everywhere. Yes, she is as stupid as a post. But the worst part is that she was only one step away from the presidency and has been so throughout Biden’s insane term.

More than likely, the entrenched bureaucracy, the new totalitarians, the deep state, like it that way. They favor candidates who can’t remember where their own kitchen table is. Harris is the perfect candidate for today’s anti-reality regimes. She’s an idiot who has been pushed beyond her former role as an “ambitious biracial” and is much easier to control than a bull in a maverick china shop who wants to drain the swamp and send people on helicopter rides over Burkina Faso.

When she’s not advocating for open borders or promoting her upcoming MSNBC special, she enjoys confusing her audience. Her word salad antics are quite revealing. Here’s one of my favorites:

So I think it’s really important, as you’ve heard from so many incredible leaders, that we see in every moment — and certainly in this moment — the moment in which we exist and are present, and that we’re able to contextualize it, to understand where we exist in history and in the present moment, in relation not only to the past but also to the future.

Additionally, she repeatedly used the ridiculous mantra “we can free ourselves from what has been.” Enjoy this video montage of stupidity.

In an AI-spoofed video called “Kamala Harris Ad Parody,” the film nailed it. As Kevin MacDonald points out, it’s “a clever parody, it’s basically true.” Another parody by the same creator, Mr. Reagan, also hits the mark. It’s a fictional phone call between Tim Walz and Harris. While AI will most likely end up destroying the planet and making us all work mindlessly in the underground robot foundries of a corrupt megacorporation, these satirical clips made me laugh. Let’s hope Armageddon is worth the laughs.

These parodies might as well be true. As Jared Taylor pointed out, Harris essentially defined “equity” as “moving heaven and earth to make nonwhites equal to whites.” Just look at her 2020 campaign ad.

An Axios report revealed that Harris was nervous before a dinner with journalists and newsmakers hosted by “DC news mogul” David Bradley. She was nervous about how to behave, so her team did a dry run and hosted a mock dinner for Harris to practice. It was all for naught as she ultimately couldn’t attend.

She has also displayed embarrassing incompetence on the international stage. At a March 2022 press conference alongside Polish President Andrzej Duda in Warsaw, when asked whether she would consider taking in Ukrainian refugees, she laughed hysterically and inappropriately.

When she talked about the Russo-Ukrainian war in general, she came across as a brainless idiot. Here is an excerpt:

So Ukraine is a country in Europe… It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So, fundamentally, it’s wrong, and it goes against everything we stand for.

In 2022, Harris had this to say about community banking:

We invested an additional $12 billion in community banks because we know that community banks are in the community and understand the needs and wants of that community and the talent and capacity of the community.

It is now very clear to me that community banks are part of the community. But what exactly is community banking? Harris does not seem to know.

Here is an excerpt from a recent speech in California, enjoy:

That’s right. And I’ll tell you, in these states and in stadiums across our country, that’s what people are saying so forcefully, as you just did. There’s a real thing happening in our country where we know what hasn’t worked and we believe in what can work and where we can go based on what we’ve proven to work, like the Affordable Care Act.

So our fight is a fight for the future and for freedom. I’ve been across our country for three and a half years, almost four years now as vice president, and I’m very clear that there is an agenda that we’re seeing, a full-on assault on hard-won freedoms and rights. There is an agenda that is underway.

And that agenda includes attacks on things like voting freedom. There are many examples of that, including in Georgia, where they passed a law that makes it illegal to give food and water to people waiting in line to vote.

The Federalistto their credit, has produced a numbered list, accompanied by analysis, of some of Kamala Harris’ most outrageous lies. Moreover, Harris is determined to impose and enforce food price controls if she becomes president.

At a recent campaign event at Prince George’s Community College in Largo, Maryland, on August 15, 2024, Kamala Harris was intoxicated and high on alcohol and drugs. The official transcript of her remarks reads in part:

THE VICE PRESIDENT: — our extraordinary President, Joe Biden. (Applause.)

And –


THE VICE PRESIDENT: — he will speak in a minute, but —


THE VICE PRESIDENT: There is a lot of love in this room for our president. (Applause.) And I think it’s for so many reasons, not least because few leaders in our country have done more than Joe Biden on so many issues, including expanding access to affordable health care. (Applause.) And today, we take another step forward — thank you, Joe — in our fight.

AUDIENCE: Thank you, Joe! Thank you, Joe! Thank you, Joe!

If you watch a short video clip or a longer version of his speech, you can see and hear that Harris is clearly under the influence of something.

Before she became vice president, she was an advocate for free health care for illegal immigrants. In Michelle Malkin’s book, which examines the vast constellation of organizations and individuals working day and night to flood America with third-world neurosurgeons, Harris’s name is mentioned. In 2018, after the murder of a California police officer, Harris remained silent. Instead, she tweeted three times between Christmas and New Year’s about the plight of illegal immigrants and their children. (1) The deep state and every other pro-immigration group wants the border to be a sieve.

Another one of my favorite Kamala Harris quotes comes from a ridiculous swearing-in ceremony. The transcript of the May 10, 2023 event bears the awkward title “Remarks by Vice President Harris at the Swearing-In Ceremony for Commissioners of the White House Initiative on Advancing Equity, Excellence, and Economic Opportunity in Education for Hispanics.” After bidding everyone a good afternoon at 11:41, Kamala Harris delivered this important message about coconut trees:

Part of the work that you’re going to do is, yes, focused on our young leaders and our young people, but we also have to understand that we have to be clear about the needs of their parents, their grandparents, their teachers and their communities, because none of us live in a vacuum. Everything is in context.

My mother sometimes gave us a hard time and said: “I don’t know what’s wrong with you kids. Do you think you fell out of a coconut tree?” (Laughs).

You exist in the context of everything you live in and what came before you.

At a campaign event in Bozeman, Montana, in August 2024, Donald Trump released a video that featured many of Harris’s terrible gaffes. Just before it was played on the jumbotron for everyone to see, Trump said his future opponent was “extremely incompetent and in my opinion, she has a very low IQ, but we’ll find out her IQ during the debate…”

With leaders like these, who needs enemies?


(1) Michelle Malkin, Open Borders Inc.: Who is Funding the Destruction of America? (Washington, DC: Éditions Regnery, 2019), 242.