
Video: MyPillow CEO Loses Fight With 12-Year-Old Child At DNC

Video: MyPillow CEO Loses Fight With 12-Year-Old Child At DNC

Video: MyPillow CEO Loses Fight With 12-Year-Old Child At DNC

An “undercover” Mike Lindell runs around the Democratic National Convention talking to Democrats.

Like other right-wing activists, including MyPillow CEO Matt Walsh made his way to the Democratic National Committee wearing a disguise: shave his legendary mustacheHe said he did this “in order to pose as an undercover member of the DNC and provide FrankSpeech viewers with undercover footage,” referring to his conservative news site. Instead, all he did was fight a child.

On Wednesday, the disgraced CEO was spotted fighting with 12-year-old content creator Knowa De Brasco.

Lol wow Mike Lindell debates with Knowa

— Acyn (@Acyn) August 21, 2024

Responding to questions from the Democratic influencer, Lindell declined to cite sources for his election denial claims.

“They just found 257,000 votes… that are missing from the 2020 election,” Lindell shouted at the child.

“So your source is ‘trust me, man’?” Knowa replied. “Okay, you’re talking bullshit.”

Lindell wasn’t the only oddball Republican to be educated by Knowa. Charlie Kirk, who either way entered the convention and was also caught on camera embarrassing himself.

“Why did you say the civil rights bill should be repealed?” the teenager asked the conservative infiltrator. “I didn’t say that,” Kirk said, “I said it was a mistake.”