
Wordle Today: Answer and Clue #1161 for August 23

Wordle Today: Answer and Clue #1161 for August 23

There’s no way you’re going to lose Wordle on a Friday, not now that you’re here. Skip straight to today’s answer if you don’t have time to play, or take your time with our hint for the August 23rd (1161) riddle if you just need to make those first guesses really count. It’s your game, enjoy it your way.

Wait, where did the Wordle go? I managed to solve today’s game so fast that the letters fell off my keyboard before I could even think about it. I think I’m about as shocked as I am pleased with myself for that. I hope you’ve had a similar experience, or are about to, with our help.

Wordle clue of the day

(Photo credit: Josh Wardle)

Wordle Today: A Clue for Friday, August 23