
Matt Cardona Pulls Out of TNA Match, Brings in Two Mystery Partners

Matt Cardona Pulls Out of TNA Match, Brings in Two Mystery Partners

Matt Cardona is a sly one. Authority Representative Santino Marella thought he had Cardona cornered into a match for this week on Impact (August 22, 2024). Cardona’s choice to sign the contract seemed too easy. It turns out Cardona is always ready with a trick up his sleeve.

Cardona was scheduled to wrestle in a trios match against PCO as punishment for barging into French-Canadian Frankenstein’s wedding and honeymoon with Steph De Lander. Cardona proposed teaming with SDL and a mystery partner of his choosing against PCO, Rhino and Xia Brookside in order to promote a singles match against PCO at Emergence.

When the time came for the fight, Cardona dodged the argument that he wasn’t medically cleared to compete. Cardona knew all along that he wasn’t healed from his injury yet. Instead of one mystery partner, Cardona revealed two mystery partners. He introduced his monster squad as Big Kon and Madman Fulton.

SDL entered this match against her will. She had no desire to fight her husband or their friends from the wedding. SDL stayed out of the action and yelled at Cardona every time he physically interfered.

In the end, PCO’s team got the win. He eliminated Kon with a suicide cannonball and a jumping elbow drop from the apron. Fulton sat on the turnbuckles to goozle Brookside. She slapped him and then slammed him to the floor with a Brooksy Bomb. PCO helped Fulton by hitting Fulton from behind with his forearm to give the maneuver momentum. When Fulton tiredly got back up, Rhino hit with a Gore. PCO finished the job with a moonsault to pin Fulton. SDL celebrated with the winners.

Cardona is set to face PCO at Emergence, but we’ll have to wait and see if he remains unfit to compete. Cardona will surely have a plan to avoid his punishment.

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